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What Are The Top Real Estate SEO Trends for 2023

By Ben Shepardson | June 5, 2023

I. Today's Real Estate Trends

In today's digital landscape, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is more important than ever. For real estate businesses, it has become a crucial tool to attract, engage, and convert online audiences. In the rapidly evolving world of SEO, staying abreast of the latest trends is not only beneficial - it's essential. SEO is no longer just about keywords and backlinks; it's about creating a seamless user experience, providing quality content, and establishing authority and trust.

Looking back at the previous years, we have seen several SEO trends rise and fall. From the dominance of mobile searches to the increasing importance of local SEO, these trends have drastically shaped the real estate industry's digital marketing strategies. However, as we venture into 2023, new trends are emerging on the horizon. They are poised to redefine the SEO landscape and significantly impact how real estate businesses reach and connect with their audience online.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the top SEO trends for 2023 that every real estate business needs to know. We will discuss how these trends are shaping the industry, how to incorporate them into your SEO strategy, and how they can help you stay ahead of the competition in this increasingly digital world. Whether you're a seasoned real estate professional or a budding entrepreneur in the industry, this article will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to elevate your SEO game in 2023.

II. Local SEO and Google My Business

Location is at the heart of every real estate transaction, making local SEO an essential component of a real estate business's digital marketing strategy. As we move into 2023, the importance of local SEO only continues to grow. With people increasingly turning to search engines to find properties in specific locations, appearing in local search results can significantly increase visibility and attract potential customers.

Local SEO involves optimizing your website and online presence to rank higher in local search results. This includes using local keywords in your content and meta tags, optimizing your website for local search phrases, and ensuring your contact information is accurate and consistent across the web.

One tool that is absolutely crucial for local SEO is Google My Business (GMB). GMB is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. By verifying and optimizing your GMB listing, you can increase your chances of appearing in local search results and Google Maps. This can significantly improve visibility, particularly for businesses targeting local customers.

To make the most out of GMB, ensure your listing is complete and accurate. This includes your business name, address, phone number, business hours, and category. Adding high-quality photos of your properties and encouraging customers to leave reviews can also improve your GMB listing. Moreover, regularly posting updates and utilizing the Q&A feature can help you engage with your audience and boost your local SEO efforts.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of local SEO and tools like Google My Business cannot be overstated. They are becoming increasingly vital for real estate businesses aiming to connect with local customers and stay competitive in the market.

III. Mobile Optimization

The rise of smartphones has revolutionized how people search for information, including real estate. As we step into 2023, mobile searches are expected to continue dominating the search landscape. Consequently, mobile optimization is no longer an option for real estate businesses—it's a necessity.

Mobile optimization involves ensuring your website looks good and performs well on mobile devices. This means easy navigation, quick load times, and a layout that fits the smaller screens of smartphones and tablets. If your website is not mobile-friendly, you risk losing potential customers and damaging your SEO rankings.

Google has implemented a mobile-first indexing approach, meaning it primarily uses the mobile version of a website's content for indexing and ranking. If your site isn't optimized for mobile, it could negatively affect your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). Therefore, to stay competitive in 2023, you need to ensure your website provides a seamless mobile experience.

Some best practices for mobile optimization include:

  • Implementing a responsive design that automatically adjusts to fit different screen sizes
  • Minimizing load times by optimizing images and eliminating unnecessary elements
  • Ensuring text is readable without zooming and links and buttons are easy to click
  • Avoiding pop-ups that can disrupt the mobile user experience

By creating a mobile-friendly website, you can provide a better user experience, improve your search engine ranking, and reach more potential customers. As mobile usage continues to grow, optimizing your website for mobile devices will be critical to your real estate business's success in 2023.

IV. High-Quality, Optimized Content

In the realm of SEO, content is king. High-quality, optimized content not only improves your rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs), but also engages your audience, establishes your brand's authority, and drives conversions. In 2023, the content will continue to be a key player in real estate SEO.

Creating quality content begins with understanding your audience's needs and interests. By conducting keyword research and audience analysis, you can uncover topics that resonate with your target market. Once you have these insights, you can create compelling content that answers their questions, addresses their concerns, and provides valuable information about real estate in their area of interest.

However, creating high-quality content is only half the battle. You also need to optimize it for search engines. This involves using relevant keywords strategically throughout your content, crafting engaging meta descriptions and title tags, using header tags to structure your content, and optimizing images with alt text. These SEO practices help search engines understand your content, increasing the chances of it ranking high on SERPs.

In 2023, long-form content, such as comprehensive guides and long-read articles, will continue to perform well in search engine rankings. This is because they provide in-depth information and are likely to cover a wide range of related keywords. However, the key is to maintain high quality throughout. Filling pages with fluff just to meet a word count won't fool search engines—quality will always trump quantity.

In the real estate industry, it's also important to keep your content updated with the latest market trends, property listings, and local news. This can help you stay relevant, meet your audience's changing needs, and improve your SEO performance.

High-quality, optimized content is not a trend—it's a staple of effective SEO. In 2023, real estate businesses that prioritize content creation and optimization will have a significant advantage over those that don't.

V. Voice Search Optimization

Voice search, powered by digital assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri, has seen remarkable growth in recent years. With improvements in natural language processing and speech recognition, voice search is becoming more reliable and, consequently, more popular. In 2023, optimizing for voice search will be a major trend in real estate SEO.

The rise of voice search has significant implications for SEO. Typically, voice search queries are longer and more conversational than text-based searches. They often include question phrases and tend to be more specific. For example, a user might say, "What are the best neighborhoods in New York City to buy a house?" instead of typing "best NYC neighborhoods to buy a house."

To optimize for voice search, you should:

  1. Use natural language: Incorporate conversational phrases and long-tail keywords into your content. This can increase your chances of matching the language used in voice search queries.
  2. Answer questions: Most voice searches are in the form of questions. By providing clear, concise answers to common questions, you can improve your chances of appearing in voice search results. A frequently asked questions (FAQ) page can be a great way to achieve this.
  3. Optimize for local search: As many voice searches are for local information, ensure that your local SEO is up to par.
  4. Use structured data: Structured data, also known as schema markup, can help search engines better understand your content and provide more detailed results. This can be particularly useful for voice search.

Voice search is set to become increasingly prevalent in 2023 and beyond. Real estate businesses that adapt to this trend will be better positioned to reach a broader audience and stay competitive in the digital landscape.

VI. Video Marketing and SEO

2023 promises to witness the continued rise of video as a powerful tool in the world of SEO. As visual beings, humans are naturally drawn towards dynamic and engaging content, making video an effective medium to capture attention and communicate information. In the real estate industry, video can provide a unique perspective on properties, giving potential buyers a richer experience than static images.

Video can also significantly improve your SEO performance. Search engines, especially Google, love video content. They see it as high-quality content, which can improve your website's credibility and ranking on the SERPs. Moreover, having a video on your page can increase the time users spend on your site, a behavioral metric that can positively influence your SEO.

Here are some ways to make the most of video marketing for SEO:

  1. Quality over quantity: Just like with textual content, quality matters in video content. High-quality videos that provide valuable information will attract more views and engagements, which can positively impact your SEO.
  2. Optimize video titles and descriptions: Incorporate relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions to improve their visibility on search engines. However, avoid keyword stuffing and focus on creating compelling, click-worthy titles and descriptions.
  3. Transcribe your videos: Search engines can't understand video content the same way they understand text. By providing a transcript, you allow search engines to crawl and index the content of your video, improving your SEO.
  4. Host videos on your own domain: To maximize the SEO benefits, host videos on your own domain first before sharing them on platforms like YouTube.
  5. Create video sitemaps: A video sitemap provides search engines with additional information about your videos, such as the title, description, running time, and intended audience, helping them better understand and index your video content.
  6. Engage with your audience: Encourage comments, likes, shares, and subscriptions. Engagement signals are a positive indicator to search engines about the quality of your content.

In 2023, video marketing will remain a powerful SEO tool, especially in the real estate industry. By incorporating video into your digital marketing strategy, you can provide a richer user experience, differentiate your brand, and improve your SEO performance.

VII. User Experience (UX) and Page Experience Update

With Google's recent Page Experience update, user experience (UX) has become a crucial ranking factor for websites. In 2023, focusing on providing a seamless user experience will be more important than ever for real estate businesses.

The Page Experience update evaluates various aspects of how users interact with a web page and whether it provides a good user experience. It incorporates existing search signals such as mobile-friendliness, safe-browsing, HTTPS-security, and intrusive interstitial guidelines, along with new metrics called Core Web Vitals.

Core Web Vitals measure the loading performance (Largest Contentful Paint), interactivity (First Input Delay), and visual stability (Cumulative Layout Shift) of a page. Websites that score well on these factors are likely to provide a better user experience, which Google aims to reward with higher search rankings.

To optimize your website for a better user experience, consider the following:

  1. Improve page load speed: A slow-loading page can frustrate users and lead to high bounce rates. You can improve load speed by optimizing images, minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, and reducing redirects.
  2. Make your site mobile-friendly: As discussed earlier, a large number of users access websites via mobile devices. A mobile-friendly design ensures a good user experience for these users.
  3. Avoid intrusive pop-ups: Pop-ups can disrupt the user experience, especially on mobile devices where screen space is limited. Avoiding or minimizing their use can improve user experience and SEO.
  4. Create a user-friendly website structure: A well-structured website with clear navigation makes it easy for users to find what they're looking for and for search engines to crawl your site.
  5. Prioritize accessibility: Your website should be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This not only improves user experience but also expands your audience reach.

In 2023, Google's focus on user experience will continue to impact SEO strategies. Real estate businesses that prioritize user experience will not only rank higher on SERPs but also provide a better experience for their users, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

VIII. AI and Machine Learning

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in SEO is set to increase in 2023. As search engines continue to evolve and become smarter, they're relying more on AI and machine learning to provide more accurate and relevant search results.

A key example of AI at work in SEO is Google's RankBrain. As a component of Google's search algorithm, RankBrain uses machine learning to understand the context and intent behind search queries and deliver more relevant search results. It's capable of learning from and adapting to user behaviors, making it a game-changer in the SEO landscape.

For real estate businesses, this means focusing more on user intent and less on specific keywords. Instead of trying to rank for a handful of keywords, create content that addresses the needs and concerns of your target audience. By understanding and matching the user intent, you can improve your SEO performance in the age of AI.

AI and machine learning can also help in automating and optimizing various SEO tasks. For instance, AI can analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, providing insights that can be used to improve your SEO strategy. From identifying the best keywords to target, and suggesting content topics, to predicting future trends, the potential of AI in SEO is immense.

In 2023, the integration of AI and machine learning in SEO practices will become more prominent. Real estate businesses that leverage these technologies will have a significant advantage in understanding and meeting their audience's needs and staying ahead in the SEO game.


EAT—Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness—is a concept introduced by Google in its Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. In an effort to provide users with high-quality, reliable content, Google uses EAT as a measure to determine the value of a website's content. As we move into 2023, EAT will continue to play a critical role in SEO, particularly for real estate businesses.

Expertise: This refers to the level of knowledge or skill in a particular area. For real estate businesses, this can be demonstrated through comprehensive, accurate, and insightful content about real estate. You can also showcase your expertise by sharing case studies, testimonials, or providing bios of experienced team members.

Authoritativeness: This is about the credibility of the website publishing the content. It’s established over time as your content is recognized for its value, both by users and other credible websites. You can build your site's authority by creating high-quality content that others find valuable enough to link to. Additionally, receiving positive reviews and mentions from authoritative figures or websites in the real estate industry can enhance your site's authoritativeness.

Trustworthiness: This refers to the legitimacy and transparency of a website. To demonstrate trustworthiness, real estate websites should ensure their site is secure (HTTPS), easy to navigate, and transparent about who they are and what they do. It's also important to maintain accurate and updated information, have clear policies (like privacy and return policies), and have real, positive reviews.

In 2023, Google will continue to prioritize EAT as a ranking factor. Therefore, real estate businesses must focus on demonstrating their expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness through their content and website practices.

X. Schema Markup and Structured Data

As we venture into 2023, the use of schema markup and structured data will become increasingly important in real estate SEO. Schema markup, a form of microdata, adds more context to your website's content and enhances its appearance in SERPs, potentially increasing click-through rates.

Structured data allows search engines to better understand what your content is about. This can lead to rich search results, featuring additional information about a page and its content. For real estate businesses, structured data can be used to provide more details about properties, such as their location, size, price, and more.

Here's how you can use schema markup to improve your real estate SEO:

  1. Property Schema: This allows you to provide specific details about a property, such as the type of property, number of rooms, and amenities. It can help search engines understand your listings better and presents them effectively in the SERPs.
  2. Local Business Schema: As a real estate business, you can use the LocalBusiness schema to provide more details about your business, such as its location, operating hours, and contact information. This can help improve your local SEO and visibility on Google Maps and local searches.
  3. Review Schema: If you have customer reviews on your website, you can use the Review schema to highlight these in the SERPs. This can improve your credibility and attract more clicks.

Implementing schema markup can be technical, so you may need the help of a web developer or an SEO professional. But the benefits it can bring to your SEO performance are worth the effort.

Schema markup and structured data will continue to be crucial elements of SEO in 2023. By adopting these techniques, real estate businesses can provide more detailed information to search engines, improve their SERP presentation, and increase their visibility to potential customers.

XI. Local SEO and Google My Business

In 2023, local SEO will remain a key strategy for real estate businesses. Many people searching for real estate will include local terms in their searches, such as the name of a city or neighborhood. By optimizing for these local search terms, you can attract more relevant traffic to your website.

An essential tool for local SEO is Google My Business (GMB). GMB is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. By claiming and optimizing your GMB listing, you can enhance your visibility in local search results, attract more local customers, and increase your SEO performance.

To make the most of your GMB listing, ensure to:

  1. Verify your listing: This confirms that you're the rightful owner and gives you control over the information displayed.
  2. Provide accurate and up-to-date information: This includes your business name, address, phone number, operating hours, and more. Make sure to keep this information updated.
  3. Include high-quality photos: Photos can showcase your properties and provide a visual representation of your business.
  4. Collect and respond to reviews: Reviews can boost your credibility and rankings. Encourage happy customers to leave reviews and take time to respond to them.
  5. Post regularly: GMB allows you to post updates, offers, events, and more. Regular posts can engage your audience and keep your listing fresh.

In 2023, local SEO and GMB will continue to be invaluable tools for real estate businesses. By optimizing for local searches and leveraging GMB, you can stay competitive in your local market and attract more customers.

XII. SEO Analytics and Reporting

The final trend in real estate SEO for 2023 is an increased emphasis on analytics and reporting. With the increasing competition in the digital landscape, making data-driven decisions has never been more important.

SEO analytics involve collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data related to your website's performance in search engines. This includes metrics like organic traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, and ranking for specific keywords. By monitoring these metrics, you can gain insights into your SEO performance, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions to enhance your SEO strategy.

Here are some best practices for SEO analytics and reporting:

  1. Use the right tools: There are various tools available for SEO analytics, including Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and more. These tools provide valuable insights into your website's performance and can help you track your SEO efforts.
  2. Set clear KPIs: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allow you to measure the success of your SEO efforts. These could include organic traffic, rankings, conversion rate, or any other metric that aligns with your business goals.
  3. Regularly monitor and analyze: SEO is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Regularly monitor and analyze your performance to stay on top of any changes and adapt your strategy accordingly.
  4. Report and communicate: Regular reporting helps you communicate the results of your SEO efforts to stakeholders. It helps in tracking progress, demonstrating ROI, and making informed decisions for future strategies.

In 2023, data-driven SEO will become the norm for real estate businesses. By leveraging SEO analytics and reporting, you can maximize your SEO performance, demonstrate ROI, and stay competitive in the digital landscape.

In conclusion, the top real estate SEO trends for 2023 encompass a variety of strategies, ranging from mobile-first indexing, high-quality content, voice search optimization, video marketing, user experience, AI, EAT, schema markup, local SEO, to SEO analytics. By keeping up with these trends and adapting your strategy accordingly, you can stay competitive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, reach more potential customers, and drive more business in 2023 and beyond.

Ben Shepardson is a Realty Biz News Contributing Writer and has a long track record of success in online marketing and web development. While pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems, he worked doing enterprise-level SEO and started an online business offering web development services to small business customers.
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