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What You Need To Know About Water Mitigation

By Jamie Richardson | October 18, 2023

Owning a home comes with its own unique set of benefits and challenges that you’re going to have to learn to tackle over time. 

On one hand, you’re a property owner; on the other, you’re responsible for taking care of any issues and the resulting damage. While sagging gutters and loose roof shingles are common problems homeowners face, they’re also relatively easy fixes. Water damage is a little different, and hopefully, it never happens to you.

However, if you come home to find soggy carpets, chances are you need to contact water mitigation Loveland specialists to help you. So, what is water mitigation, and what causes the resulting damage? We’ll answer these questions and more.

Common Causes of Water Damage in Residential Properties

Water damage can occur at any time, even when you haven’t had rainfall for several weeks. You may be at home or away when disaster strikes. 

So, what are the common causes of home water damage? Broken pipes and ineffective valves are common culprits, but you may need water mitigation if your dishwasher or gutters have blockages. Other causes include roof damage, frozen pipes, or a faulty toilet line. Heavy rainfall can flood basements, or a water supply line can break, and any of these issues can cause water to pool inside your home.

What is Water Mitigation

 Homeowners frequently confuse water mitigation with water restoration, but the two processes are different. You cannot restore your home until the water is mitigated because if you skip over the mitigation process, you’re still dealing with a wet home.

Water mitigation, whether you live in Loveland or any other area, is the same. Professionals prevent further damage to your home by removing the water, controlling moisture, and drying the structure.

One way to think of water mitigation in general is to compare it to an emergency response to an injury. First, you’re stabilized before the wound is bandaged. Water mitigation gets your home ready for the repair and restoration process. Removing any water and drying out the structure is crucial for preventing the growth of hazardous mold and ensuring the integrity of the home.

What to Expect During the Water Mitigation Process

The water mitigation process starts with an inspection and assessment of the water damage. Technicians go over the property, taking care of emergency repairs along the way, which can include shutting off water supply lines and boarding up areas where the drywall may be starting to crumble.

You should expect to see the technicians bringing in oversized vacuums—no, they’re not vacuuming your floors; instead, they’re suctioning up excess water. To ensure materials like wood and subflooring are thoroughly dry, the water mitigation specialists will also use heavy-duty fans and dehumidifiers.

Sometimes, water in your home can cause secondary damage—but don’t panic! The technicians can resolve this issue by focusing the drying equipment on areas like buckling floorboards or crumbling drywall. You don’t want to ignore secondary water damage, even if you can’t see it. Along with the potential risk of mold and bacteria, it can also result in significant structural damage.

The final stage of water mitigation is clearing out the debris and salvaging any undamaged items. This can include items like furniture, bedding, and even carpeting.

The Different Categories of Water Mitigation

Water mitigation is divided into three categories, and these categories determine the processes used and which industry regulations to follow. Category 1 is the most common in residences and refers to clean water mitigation, where clean water typically comes from broken pipes. Thankfully, this is usually the easiest for technicians to clean up.

When sump pumps, washing machine hoses, or disposal lines break and flood a home, this is known as Category 2 or greywater mitigation. Here, the mitigation technicians will address the potential presence of any chemicals or other types of contamination.

The final type of mitigation is Category 3 or blackwater removal. Since the potential is high for hazardous chemicals and/or pathogens in the water, specialized equipment is required. Technicians will also follow EPA, CDC, and OSHA guidelines throughout the removal and cleanup process.

Common Misconceptions About the Water Mitigation Process

Homeowners are often looking for ways to save money, and DIY projects often top the list. After all, you can rehang a loose gutter and even repair a leaky faucet, so why not tackle water removal? But before you grab a dry mop and desk fan, here are a few things to consider.

Replacing Wet Furniture and Carpeting is Cheaper

Yes, it’s cheaper to skip working with a water mitigation specialist. Of course, the process does come at a premium, and it’s not exactly cheap. However, simply replacing soggy chairs and rugs does little to mitigate the potential risks and damage.

You may still have wet subflooring or moisture inside the walls. Over time, this will lead to mold and bacteria growth that can negatively impact your health—not to mention the potential structural damage that will only worsen over time.

Air Drying is Just as Effective and Less Expensive

Opening the doors and windows to dry out the home's interior is cheaper than hiring a water mitigation service. Turn off your HVAC unit, and it’s essentially free.

However, you’re not effectively removing all of the moisture in the home, especially if it’s underneath the floors and in the walls. Once again, you’re risking your health and safety by not doing things properly.

You Can Mitigate the Water without Professional Equipment

Technically, you can rent an industrial fan and possibly even a shop vac to help mitigate water damage. Some home improvement centers carry the equipment you need, and it’s more cost-effective than hiring professionals.

While you can tackle category 1 water damage with the right equipment, it’s different when you’re dealing with gray or black water. Special protocols must be followed to ensure your health and safety. This is when you always want to call in a professional water mitigation company.

Contact the Professionals for Your Water Damage Needs

Unfortunately, water damage in homes is more common than you may think. Regardless of the cause, it’s always best to work with a water mitigation specialist to help get your home back to normal again. 

From thoroughly drying your home to the clean-up, they will take care of everything. Reach out today and get the help you need with any water damage you may have.

Jamie is a 5-year freelance writer who enjoys real estate. He is currently a Realty Biz News Contributor.
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