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3 Tips to Quickly Add Twitter Followers

By Mike Wheatley | November 17, 2014

Are you living in Twitter obscurity, wondering if anyone will ever read your tweets? If you find that you’re tweeting, commenting and sharing to no avail, you’re not alone.


photo credit: caspermaas via photopin cc

With over 175 million tweets sent per day, gaining the attention of your Twitter audience can be a confounding task.

While Twitter can be tremendously valuable to your overall marketing plan, using it unsuccessfully can be similar to a billboard sitting on an abandoned street. Even the wittiest, most amazing message will get lost if not positioned properly.

So how can you go from super secret Tweeter to Twitter extraordinaire? Let’s take a look at three simple strategies that can get you started.

1. Connect with Potential Clients

Twitter gives you the ability to interact and share with targeted consumers in real-time. In 140 characters or less, you can exchange information, share details surrounding an upcoming webinar or promote your latest blog post.

Find consumers interested in your message:

Start by researching and following people with similar interests. Two great sites are WeFollow and Twellow. Both give you the capacity to search by keyword, industry part of the country and even your specific city through Twellowhood.

A few additional tools that can be used to locate the right people for your business are:

  • Just Tweet It – A user directory for Twitter organized by genre to allow for users to easily find other Twitter users to connect with.
  • Listorious – Find and follow top professionals based on keyword or tag.
  • Tweepler – A Twitter application that allows you to organize followers.
  • – A unique tool that is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Build a meaningful community by making real connections with the right people.


photo credit: Leshaines123 via photopin cc

2. Build Your Database List

It has been said that it’s not the salesperson with the most friends that wins; it’s the one with the largest database that will succeed time and again. Building a list of potential customers is your opportunity to market to a select group of individuals and cater to their exact needs.

Don’tbe shy about putting yourself out there! Potential clients want the information and knowledge you have, so share it with them. Ask yourself on a daily basis what you can give away that will keep them coming back for more.

3. Increase Website Traffic

Increasing website traffic works hand in hand with building your database. Below are two strategies you can begin using immediately to increase website visibility.

First Strategy:

Connect your blog to Twitter and automatically notify your followers each time you post a new article.

An easy way to do this is to grab your RSS feed and create a free account with Twitterfeed. Once you set up a feed, your new post will tweet out immediately without you lifting a finger. If you use WordPress, a great plugin that auto tweets your post is Tweetily.

Second Strategy:

Create an opt-in form on your website. Attract attention through your Tweets by offering a free report. If you use WordPress and work with a system like AWeber it is as easy as creating your web form and grabbing the html code. Once you have done that, you can add it to your WordPress site through the text widget.

Mike Wheatley is the senior editor at Realty Biz News. Got a real estate related news article you wish to share, contact Mike at [email protected].
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