With almost 1.6 billion users, Facebook's widespread network means your real estate agency should probably include it in your social media mix. But what exactly should you display on your page?
At the minimum, you'll want to leverage these four top features:
You don't have to create a custom URL for your real estate Facebook page, but not doing so is a missed branding opportunity. For starters, a custom URL that reflects your agency's name is easier for people to remember than a random series of letters, numbers, and symbols. It's also easier to print on your business cards and other marketing material.
If you already have a Facebook page for your real estate agency, it's not too late to set up your custom URL. Go to www.facebook.com/username, where you will be able to change your page's URL. It's better to be direct than creative here, as you'll want people to be able to find you easily and align your Facebook page with your brand.
When you create your Facebook page, the platform automatically adds a few standard "tabs" that you can customize. For example, you might have tabs for your timeline, photo albums, events, and an About Us section.
You aren't stuck with these tabs, though. Add more tabs or delete the ones you don't plan to use by going to the Add or Delete Tabs button at the bottom of the Manage Tabs section in your admin dashboard.
In addition, you can create your own truly custom, non-Facebook-related tabs for your page. This will take a bit of developing, but it's not impossible.
What do you want people to do after they visit your Facebook business page? Call your office? Send you a message? Visit your website?
Facebook makes it easy for your audience to take the next step by allowing you to add an Action Button on your page. If you don't currently have a designated action, your page will show an "Add Action Button" button where you can place a CTA. Click this button, then choose one of several suggested calls-to-action that will replace the "Add Action Button" text and direct the user wherever you desire.
Options for real estate agents could include the following:
Once you settle on an action, you will decide what needs to happen after a user clicks the button. For example, you might send visitors that click the Learn More action button to your website. You can also customize the resulting action according to device to offer the best possible user experience.
It might sound like a standard, but not all businesses activate Facebook's star ratings and reviews. For real estate agents, not doing so limits what your prospects can discover about you via your page.
Real estate agents thrive on referrals, and star ratings and client reviews are the digital forms of these recommendations. When prospects are able to gauge your reputation through what others have said about you, you stand a much better chance of tipping the prospects in your favor (if your ratings and reviews are favorable, that is).
While there's more to social media marketing than Facebook, this social media giant offers too many benefits for realtors to ignore. It's up to you which ones you use, but these four main features give you the best place to start.