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5 Simple Ways To Secure Your Home From Extreme Weather Hazards

By Lizzie Weakley | March 3, 2022

It's ideal to prepare your home all year round against extreme weather conditions. Different homes need different types of protection. For instance, windows are affected by strong hurricane-style winds, and roofs are mostly impacted by severe rain and ice. The following are five ways to protect your home from harsh weather conditions.

Install Storm Windows

Storm or hurricane impact windows withstand winds of 60mph or higher for homes that are prone to hurricanes and tornadoes. These windows have thicker panes of glass that will not break during the severest wind and rain conditions. Installing storm windows and hurricane shutters is done only once, is cheaper to maintain, and is more effective at protecting the home.

Seal Holes and Cracks

Rain, ice, and snow can penetrate the openings around your house. In freezing temperatures, the cracks expand and get wider. When it gets warmer, the holes and cracks are larger and have spread several inches or feet. Sealing the holes and cracks helps to prevent damages to the walls, floors, and ceilings. If there are any damages on your roof, you may hire professional roofers.

Install Flood Barriers

Flooding causes some of the most destructive and expensive damages to a house. You cannot stop a heavy rainstorm, but you can prevent flooding by installing flood barriers, such as dams, levees, and walls.

It's obvious to any homeowner what happens when a property floods. Water damage affects every corner of the room, from the floors to the ceilings. At that point, the only solution is to pay for a provider of an emergency water damage restoration. However, installing a flood barrier from the beginning is more affordable and easier than dealing with the damages later.

Install Insulation

Get Portland spray on foam insulation to protect your home from freezing cold temperatures. The most important steps are to insulate exterior pipes and electrical outlets. If not, the pipes and other devices could freeze and cause major water leaks or electrical damage.

Insulate the Attic

If you live in an extremely hot climate, an attic insulation may be considered to protect the extreme heat from entering indoors. Consider installing a radiant barrier under the roof to reflect heat rays away from the roof and property.

Conclusively, extreme weather happens at any time of the year. Most homeowners are advised of when a natural disaster will come and what they should do to prepare. You are rarely given advice on the best ways to protect your home, so think of the potential damages that can occur to your home as you prepare for extreme weather hazards.

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer and Realty Biz News contributor.
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