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5 Successful Social Media Strategies for Real Estate Agents

By Mike Wheatley | November 21, 2014

It’s not hard for your real estate company to do social media, but it is hard for your real estate company to do social media well.

The double-edged sword for this industry is how easy it is to just throw your listings up as Facebook updates or Tweets. That kind of post takes no time at all, which is great… but it’s also really boring and shows that you don’t really get the point of social media.


photo credit: Jason A. Howie via photopin cc

Not all business owners understand that social media is not merely a free advertising platform – it’s a tool you can use to authentically build relationships with potential, current and past clients. And the absolute wrong way to do that is to constantly push your properties in their faces.

Think about what you do when you go on Facebook, for example. You’re probably there when you have a few spare minutes and you feel like being entertained. Since we know that that’s people’s intention, we need to do just that.

1. Local Interest

The fact is that most of the people following you on social media aren’t necessarily in the market for a new place at the moment, but most of them do probably live in your city. So, post about cool events, interesting history, new restaurants, and anything else you think your fellow residents would like.

If it’s done well, you’re actually offering value to your followers and establishing yourself as a reliable source of info for your city. Plus, when you feature interesting local goings on, people are much more likely to share it with their friends, which boosts your social media cred and provides a lot of free exposure.

2. Living Tips

All day, every day you help people imagine themselves living in various homes. You hear their quandaries about space, décor and storage, right? So you’re the perfect person to offer great tips and solutions to the most common issues. Your clients are always worrying aloud about finding room for a home office, so use your social media to share ideas on how to create versatile live-work space in a small home.

If this isn’t exactly your area of expertise, just raid Pinterest for ingenious ideas and images of any and all possible décor or storage solutions. As a culture, we really can’t get enough of easy, smart DIY ideas for the home – take advantage of this obsession and give the people what they want.

3. Humor

We’re lucky to be in an industry that deals directly with people’s everyday lives – it makes using humor as easy as pie. And, as you well know, the posts that get the most likes, comments, and shares are often the funny stuff. Think about the kinds of laughable things we all deal with in owning/buying a home or renting/hunting for an apartment and go from there.

The best part of using humor is that you come across as a company that’s made up of people instead of a faceless front for a business that only cares about money. Plus, remember that clients end up spending a lot of time with their agent, and they’d rather work with someone they like, so make it just makes good business sense to make your company likeable.

4. Insider Advice

You are uniquely positioned to offer your followers the inside scoop on buying or renting a property. And the more you show that you’re an absolute expert with loads of knowledge to offer, the more likely people will trust you to help them the next time they’re looking for a new place. Just make sure that the tone is conversational and almost conspiratorial, like you’re letting them in on industry secrets.

5. Beautiful Images

Social media is an image-driven medium. Basically, we all love looking at pretty pictures, so fill your updates with them. When you do feature your properties, post just one jaw dropping gorgeous image of the property instead of a whole block of texts enumerating all of the benefits of the place. A picture of an amazing kitchen or a view you’d die for is much more powerful than a rundown of features any day.

You’re a real estate agent, so of course you’ll still go on featuring properties on your social media. But they should be far from the only thing your followers see. In this arena, it’s far more important to entertain and inform your audience with your brilliant and funny updates on a daily basis.


1111111About the author: Noah Tennant is a real estate expert writer and the CEO of the Chicago Apartment Leasing Group, a rental agency that deals primarily with the city’s most high end downtown buildings and properties. Noah is a frequent contributor to several lifestyle and real estate publications, in which he offers renters and peers helpful advice and tips. For more, check out today!

Mike Wheatley is the senior editor at Realty Biz News. Got a real estate related news article you wish to share, contact Mike at [email protected].
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