Air treatment systems are likely to become a common feature of buildings in future, the Wall Street Journal reported last week, as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the next decade, real estate agents can expect to field lots more questions about a home or building’s air cleaning and ventilation systems, as some of the nation’s largest builders say these will become commonplace in new buildings by 2030
The builders were referring to systems such as indoor sensors that can detect and warn occupants when the air quality inside has dropped. They can automatically increase ventilation to compensate too, the Journal adds. There are also systems to mitigate smoke or pollution entering a home, and others that can remove germs and bacteria from the air.
Many of the systems come with a “crisis mode” that enables them to run a disinfection process whenever the building requires it. Now, developers are looking for systems that can ventilate, heat, cool, filter and purify the air inside our buildings in a more affordable and efficient way. And appliance manufacturers have responded by creating more hygienic products too.
Real estate experts believe that in the future, consumers will demand homes with better air quality.
“Air quality is now front of mind for our buyers,” Elisa Orlanski Ours, chief planning and design officer at Corcoran Sunshine, told the Journal. Corcoran Sunshine is a new development of the Corcoran Group real estate brokerage. Ours said the developers she’s working with are exploring how to filter and disinfect the air in both public and private spaces.
One possible technology that might help are “energy recovery ventilators” that are able to recapture the energy of hot air that escapes from the building. They can harness this energy to return filtered air back inside the building. Other possible systems include those that use ultraviolet light and ionization technologies.
Such systems are likely to become a standard feature of higher end homes and apartments in the next decade, developers and real estate experts told the Journal.