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Are You In The Loop? Why You Should Be and How To Get There

By Anita Cooper | August 9, 2012

Two organizations which are slowly changing the way real estate is done - and - are combining forces (is that anything like combining superpowers?) to offer buyers, sellers and brokers an opportunity to improve their real estate transaction experiences.

The partnership between these two pioneers of online real estate transactions is designed to promote the use of both - a combination of powerful property location technology and a smoother sales process promise sweet things ahead for the industry.

Commenting about the partnership, dotloop CEO Austin Allison said:

"Real estate is rapidly moving online as consumers at every stage of the process expect a more digital experience. We're proud to partner with Trulia to help agents satisfy that demand and to simplify the entire process around real estate transactions, from marketing to consumers on Trulia to easily closing deals on dotloop."

Dotloop is changing the way that real estate is done by offering a secure, online portal for buyers, sellers and brokers to complete a transaction. Documents can be reviewed, edited and signed online, and when changes are made, all parties are notified electronically of the changes - speeding up negotiation time and reducing the chance of miscommunication or improperly prepared documents.

An agent can invite parties to the transaction where they can make offers, counter-offers, review and edit documents and even sign electronically, eliminating the need for faxes, scans and emails - everything can be done online.

This service is currently being used by only 20 percent of real estate agents in Canada and the US, so there is a lot of room for expansion. Imagine the possibilities! Given the fact that about 40 percent of real estate agents use Trulia, this partnership is a win-win for both companies.

Features and Safeguards

Signatures are verified by linking a user’s email address with their password, ensuring that the signer is the right person.

When you create a loop you can invite your clients to join - at no cost to either you or them!

Version-Now is an agent’s dream. Nothing can be more frustrating than spending time working on documents to realize that you misspelled the buyer’s name or put the wrong property description on the deed.

With Version-Now technology, making changes to documents is quick, easy and painless, and all of the changes will be visible, complete with comments, to each party. There are also no worries about signing the wrong documents - the most recent version will be clearly seen by all parties involved.

Check out a testimonial from a satisfied user:

“WOW what a time saver! dotloop eSignature is great. I wrote a purchase contract and sent it to my buyers. I had to run to another meeting – while in that meeting I received a text that my buyers had signed. So I pulled out my iPad and logged in to Dotloop and sent the contract forward to the listing agent and then sent them a text that I had sent an offer. All this while not having to leave my meeting or work with a fax machine or email attachments! Thanks for a great product – I am hooked!”

Mike Strange Keller - Williams Consultants Realty

If sounds like something you’d love (and who wouldn’t) we’d love to hear about it. If you’re already a user, please tell us your story!

Anita Cooper is a copy and content writer with a vendetta against bad copy. She helps real estate tech companies grow their pipeline by providing lead gen copy and content.

Have world real estate news to share?If you do and would like to interview, feel free to contact Anita at [email protected].
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