Marketing Insider

Digital Marketing Agency, Expands Phoenix Arizona

By RealtyBiz News | February 14, 2023
Digital marketing agency,, is proud to announce the expansion of their local marketing services into the Phoenix, Arizona marke
Press Release

City of Falls Church Launch $3.8M Affordable Homeownership Program

By RealtyBiz News | February 14, 2023
The City of Falls Church has launched its Affordable Homeownership Program (CFCAHP), which will make $3.8 million available to support affordable homeownership. The City has received $3.4 million from Virginia Housing’s Resources Enabling Affordable Community Housing (REACH) program and has provided a $400,000 match, for a total budget of $3.8 million to provide affordable homeownership […]
Press Release

FirstService Residential Continues to Expand with New Florida Properties

By RealtyBiz News | February 13, 2023
FirstService Residential, North America’s leading property management company, is thrilled to announce that it has expanded its portfolio in Florida and will be providing management services for the following residential communities: “FirstService Residential is thrilled to welcome these new properties to our organization," said Andrew Haas, region vice president at FirstService Residential. “With a commitment […]
Real Estate Resource

8 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Use Instagram

By RealtyBiz News | February 13, 2023
Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives and is proving to be a valuable tool for businesses to reach their target audience. To achieve that goal, a real estate agent must have a solid online presence and social media. Nowadays, real estate agents can easily get a lot of Instagram followers […]
Home Buying, Press Release Ranks "Most Affordable Cities For First-Time Home Buyers

By RealtyBiz News | February 13, 2023
What are the most affordable cities for first-time home buyers?, the mortgage company for first-time home buyers, set out to find out. Using public and private data sources, performed an objective analysis to rank the 800 largest U.S. cities as part of its 2023 study "Most Affordable Cities To Buy A House." Cities […]

Foreclosed Properties: How to Buy One and Whether You Should

By RealtyBiz News | February 13, 2023
Buying a home is a major investment. In many circumstances, it’s the largest one that many people will ever make in their lifetime. It stands to reason, then, that finding ways to make such a massive purchase as affordable as possible. One method is to buy a foreclosed property, but there’s a lot that goes […]
Press Release

Silverton Mortgage Expands Ohio Home Affordability Options

By RealtyBiz News | February 12, 2023
Silverton Mortgage, a leading direct residential mortgage lender, is expanding its community and affordable lending efforts by offering down payment assistance programs by the Ohio Housing Finance Agency. At the same time, The Silverton Foundation announces it will begin supporting families at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. “We’re really pleased that even in these […]
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