Canada commercial real estate

Eight Important Property Facts to Give Commercial Buyers

By RealtyBiz News | March 22, 2013
Commercial real estate buyers are generally savvy people who know the industry and often have experts working for them to help them purchase the perfect piece of commercial property to further their interests. To entice potential buyers into considering your property, do your homework before marketing, whether you are a broker or an individual seller.
Fire damage
Real Estate Resource

How to Repair Home Fire Damage

By RealtyBiz News | March 22, 2013
It goes without saying that damage to a home from a fire can be devastating. Not only that, but the effects of such a tragedy can often be seen and felt for months or even years afterwards. But, as the old saying goes, every problem – even the most serious – has a solution. The same can be said for fire damage in a home.
Home sales.
Coaching, Featured News

The Smart Person’s Guide to Selling Your Home

By RealtyBiz News | March 21, 2013
If you are looking to sell your home it’s always nice to know what you can do to help increase your asking price. You just have to make sure that any improvements you make are going to translate into a higher dollar sale. Many people assume that for every dollar spent, they’ll recover, and some, but it doesn’t work that way.
Energy efficient home
Industry Technology

How to Create an Energy Efficient Household

By RealtyBiz News | March 21, 2013
Between things like rent, mortgage payments, car bills and food, the average household has a lot of expenditures. Many families buckling under the weight of these costs likely don’t spend much time worrying about how to reduce their carbon footprint. What many people don’t know is that notions of energy efficiency and lowering utility bills are directly intertwined. That means average folks across the country can do their part for the environment while seeing those hefty summer and winter energy bills go down. The way to do this is through energy efficient appliances.
Real Estate Resource

Five Ways to Stop Small Real Estate Site Suffering

By RealtyBiz News | March 17, 2013
We are living in a world where online and mobile content is more valuable than that which we see on the television or hear on the radio. Yet there are many small real estate companies that haven't seemed to grasp the concept "digital", or even of the 21st century. As smart phones become more prevalent, it's fair to ask the question; "why haven't these small companies realized the importance of creating a stronger digital presence?"
DIY-Home Improvement

What’s That Smell? Is That A Mold Stain?

By RealtyBiz News | March 14, 2013
There are many words you could use to describe mold. How about sneaky, opportunistic, hazardous, persistent, smelly and scary, just for starters? Among the general population, you’ll encounter a variety of reactions to the "M" word. But among real estate agents, the mere mention of mold can easily trigger anxiety attacks, not to mention a string of other 4-letter words not suitable for publication.
Backyard swimming pool
Real Estate Resource

Top 5 Pool Problems and Solutions

By RealtyBiz News | March 9, 2013
The idealized American dream home usually comes with a swimming pool in the backyard. Those that do have these recreational oases on their property get to enjoy weeks and even months aquatic fun and relaxation with friends and family. Of course, like any fun home amenity, pools require upkeep.
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