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HomeHeads to Build Trust in California Realtors

By Mike Wheatley | May 2, 2011

While the debate about whether to buy or not to buy continues to rage, there is another heated arguments doing the rounds that we like to think shouldn’t even be on the agenda – DIY.


California Association of Realtors launches new advertising campaign

CAR HomeHead. Image courtesy of CA HomeHeads

According to California-based realtors, the timer has come to stamp down on this nonsense, and to do so the California Association of Realtors (CAR) has come up with a new five-pronged advertising campaign it hopes will quash the idea of DIY property deals forever. The driving force behind the campaign will be the “HomeHeads” characters – literally realtors with homes on their heads!

The HomeHeads epitomize the “professional and expert nature of California REALTORS,” said the organization.

“California REALTORS – Champions of Home,” is the inspiration behind a new hard-hitting advertising campaign it is set to unleash upon the state, with the idea of “Reinforcing REALTORS professionalism,” according to the 160,000 strong association.


HomeHeads reassure the public of realtor's professionalism and expertise

CA HomeHead relaxing. Image courtesy of CA HomeHeads

There are plenty of hard-line DIY-ers around who are prepared to argue otherwise though – and indeed the bundle of cash that can be saved on any home buying deal is quite substantial. Yet the new advertising campaign is determined to prove a realtor’s worth.

The campaign, which is to be launched in the summer, will feature four TV spots, web banners on popular sites, radio commercials and an SEO campaign that directs consumers to a new website at There will also be a social media aspect to the campaign, CAR announced.

TV and radio advertisements will be aired starting from August 14, while the online banners and SEO aspects will begin on September 30 of this year. The TV ads will be shown on A&E, Bravo and HGTV in Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco.


CAR hope the new campaign will win back trust in Californian realtors

Californian realtors. Image courtesy of Global Giants

“For this year’s advertising campaign, the basic idea is to inject some more optimism and positivity into the process of buying and selling homes,” said Beth Peerce, the president of CAR.

“The real estate market in California has been through a couple of very tough years, and so we want buyers and sellers to know they can rely on California realtors to guide them through all the transactions involved.”


Mike Wheatley is the senior editor at Realty Biz News. Got a real estate related news article you wish to share, contact Mike at [email protected].
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