DIY-Home Improvement, US Real Estate

Using Shrubbery to Create a Natural Barrier for your Home

By Alicia Murphy | August 30, 2012
One of the key features that homeowners look to increase in their home is privacy. When at home it’s important to feel as though you can fully unwind and by yourself, and that can be difficult when you’ve got a nosy neighbor with a bird’s eye view of your outdoor entertaining areas.
DIY-Home Improvement, US Real Estate

DIY Weekend Projects for Labor Day Weekend

By Alicia Murphy | August 29, 2012
Long holiday weekends are great for cooking out, entertaining and spending extra time with family. They're also a great opportunity to catch up on projects around the house that you simply don't have time for on a normal basis. The extra time allows you to finish projects and maintenance and still have time to enjoy some down time with loved ones.
Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

How To Find Quality Tenants - Fast!

By Anita Cooper | August 29, 2012
As a property owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate when renting out your place - the last worry you need is a poor tenant. Even if you’re the best judge of character and typically have a great rapport with your tenants, it’s possible for a “bad egg” to slip in every now and then.
DIY-Home Improvement, US Real Estate

One Man's Trash... Repurposing Pallets

By Alicia Murphy | August 24, 2012
You've probably heard the phrase "One man's trash is another man's treasure". The most creative of minds can pick what most of us would consider a completely useless item from a thrift store pile and create a haute (and often expensive!) piece of decor from it.
Featured News, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Landlords: Intimidated by Tenant Screening? Five Simple Do's and Don’ts for Peace of Mind

By Guest Author | August 24, 2012
As the demand for rental properties skyrockets, landlords can be bombarded with applicants. With so many people vying for an apartment, how can landlords be sure they find the right tenants?
Real Estate Resource, Residential, US Real Estate

Patio Solutions You'll Fall For

By Alicia Murphy | August 24, 2012
As the seasons change so must your backyard entertaining areas. When it gets warmer we prepare for more outdoor cooking and evenings spent outside for longer hours. Likewise as fall and winter draw nearer it's important to prepare your patio or deck for the cooler weather. Stoke The Fires  If your climate allows outdoor entertaining […]
Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Chelmsford, England: A Great Place to Live for History Enthusiasts

By Guest Author | August 22, 2012
It's no surprise that the UK is a great place to live if you like the idea of being surrounded by centuries of history. One town that's well worth considering in particular is Chelmsford in Essex.
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