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Facebook Marketing: 3 Strategies to Get More Leads

By Lili Steffens | May 17, 2017

Facebook marketing can be a challenge even for experienced professionals because it demands creativity and intuition.

As Facebook improves its algorithms regularly, you will always have to keep up with the trends. At Realty Biz News we offer periodic updates and advice from journalists and social media marketing experts.

When you advertise on Facebook, you must be aware that the system is not infallible. They have occasional bugs, however, these are promptly fixed, so the statistics for your campaigns are usually accurate.

Creating ads that convert into leads can be challenging but you can always rely on companies like PropertySimple, whose primary service is $2,000 per month when billed annually or $2,500 per month when billed monthly and guarantees at least 100 leads. The downside is that they demand a contractual commitment for at least six months. But they are trusted by many realtors, and they have recently raised $3 million in funding from investors including Magma Partners.

But if you prefer to be in total control of your Facebook marketing, Facebook already offers the right tools and knowledge base to inspire you and to help you succeed. They have a comprehensive ADS Guide with step by step instructions to help you design ads that convert. They also have enough success stories to inspire you.

Besides what's well known about advertising on Facebook, here are other strategies you could try to get more leads.

Find the right Facebook groups to generate more leads

Facebook groups are godsent for realtors, especially if you know how to find them. To save you time and get you started, here are a few many realtors used successfully: Buy,sell, rent your dream home, FLIPPING HOUSES LIKE A NINJA, Philadelphia Real Estate Group, National Association of REALTORS YPN, California Real Estate Investors Group, Montreal & Surrounding Areas Apartment & Real Estate Group, Real Estate Agent Referrals Group, and many others. You can also use the Facebook search graph to find the real estate groups that suit your needs. For targeted leads, search for real estate Facebook groups in your area. You can also find groups that target a specific segment of buyers - like QTPOC Housing Bay Area California. Alternatively, you can use this link to find more local groups.


Facebook Live is one of the most effective ways to capture the attention of potential buyers. Once you build your network of followers you can "go live" to engage with them and to grow your audience. You can see the official LIVE site for tips and tricks, but, in general, remember that what works on SnapChat and Instagram works on Facebook Live too: keep it relevant and be authentic. Be prepared to engage and to follow up with your audience. They may have questions and concerns that need real-time answers. Give a response at your earliest convenience. Ideas for Facebook Live videos may include, besides open house tours, neighborhood tours, Q/A sessions, home improvement tips, moving tips, and so on.

Facebook marketing with events

Events get excellent traction on Facebook. If you have an open house, you can always list it as an event to target more prospects. You will need to announce and advertise your events properly, making use of the Live feature on Facebook. Promoting events in the appropriate Facebook groups is also a good idea. Finally, you should consider setting up ads to reach audiences on the desktop and on-the-go.

Facebook Marketing events

You can plan all kinds of exciting events, from showing homes to real estate buyers, to niche specific seminars, or entertainment events for the benefit of the community. Events are nothing new, and they've been used effectively by realtors for years now. But many professionals tend to ignore this free Facebook marketing tool, spending valuable time, energy, and money in obsolete marketing strategies like Google ads, which, compared to Facebook marketing, deliver less.

Facebook marketing delivers better ROI for less money than Google AdWords. Ads on Facebook can target audiences based on interests, gender, geo-location, and industry categories. Besides audience targeting, Facebook also gives you the advantage of using images to trigger emotions. You can expand your reach to Instagram and the Facebook Audience Network, and you can use the Facebook Atlas solution to measure your efforts.

Facebook marketing ads

As you see in the screenshot above, Facebook offers excellent targeting tools and even grades your efforts by letting you know how effective is your targeting.

A PR and marketing professional with extensive SEO expertise, a former contributor to Search Engine Journal, Liliana Steffens covers online marketing tips, mobile, social media, and SEO for RealtyBizNews.
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