According to an article in, studies have been conducted into the science of selling a home. Extensive research has been carried out into just what persuades a buyer to make an offer and to see the transaction through to the end.
The information provided by these studies can be helpful when deciding how to get your home ready for sale. A report carried out by BM oh Financial Group has found that four out of five prospective buyers can tell if a home is right for them within just a few seconds of beginning a viewing. This might seem remarkable, but it’s thought our minds are able to process for more information then we might think within a very short space of time, allowing us to make snap decisions.
With this in mind, a home’s foyer or entrance hall can be one of the most important areas in a property. If your entrance hall is normally a bit chaotic, think about tidying up nearby closets to provide extra room or investing in baskets or racks for additional storage. Any items you don’t use very frequently should be stored elsewhere.
While sellers may be advised to fill their homes with enticing scents, apparently the reality is that these smells can be confusing to potential buyers. If you want to make home smell nice, choose a simple sent rather than a blend. This means people can immediately identify the scent and will not waste time wondering what is. Recommended scents include lemon, pine or basil, all of which are simple, clean and fresh.
Interestingly, another study carried out found that the number nine on the end of the price of a house can be off-putting. This is contrary to most shopping experiences where something that is priced ending in nine is often thought to be a better deal. However when making a big purchase such as a house, the opposite seems to be true. The science behind this theory seems to suggest that pricing a home with a nine on the ending makes it appear that you are trying too hard to make it look like a bargain, something that can be unappealing when making such a big purchase. At the same time, it’s supposed to be better to avoid a number that ends in lots of zeros as this looks as if the number has been pulled out of thin air rather than having been properly assessed.
Finally, home staging works and professionally staged homes can sell an average of 40 days after being made over.
Photo Credit: via pixabay