According to an article in OPP.Today, 40% of realtors in the United States are interested in smart home certification. This is in spite of the fact that inquiries from clients are still quite limited, with just 15% of agents receiving questions about this technology.
These figures are from the inaugural Smart Homes and Realtors report which has analysed just how important smart home technology is to realtors. The report found that 42% of realtors surveyed are interested in smart home certification. Another 22% were not interested and a further 36% have yet to make up their minds.
The prevalence and importance of smart home technology is growing and as a result, an increasing number of realtors are becoming more experienced at successfully marketing smart homes and the features they contain, such as appliances and devices. When the data from the survey is analyzed more closely, some 54% of those interested in smart home certification have more than 16 years’ of experience, while 23% of agents interested have a year or less of experience. The interest in smart home certification is greater in agents aged 55 or older, compared to agents aged 45 or younger.
When it comes to which smart home devices are most important, realtors and clients think smart locks are most important at 37%, while lights are second at 29% and thermostats are third at 26%. Smart appliances and doorbells received a neutral response from 40% of respondents.
Realtors view smart home security features as being the most important, with privacy coming in second and 40% think energy and cost savings are important, while 38% view comfort as being an important feature. More than half of the clients were not familiar with smart home technology and just over 40% were not interested in any of these technologies.
The National Association of Realtors Center for Realtor Technology is tracking emerging technologies that will impact real estate, so it can better educate its members and can innovate when it feels there is a gap between what is required and what is available. Last year the CRT set up a lab that investigates renewable energy, smart home technology, and building materials, and it will investigate other technologies as they are developed. The CRT is working with government and non-government organizations, as well as universities and national laboratories. The idea is to help promote the NAR as being an agent for research, innovation, and technology and the goal is to help realtors educate their clients as to which products and devices will be most beneficial for them.