In light of the impending end of the contract between real estate website Zillow and ListHub, a leading syndicator of online listing data, Move Inc., operator of, which owns the syndication business, detailed the terms that ListHub proposed to Zillow before the third-party portal announced in January that it would halt negotiations with ListHub.
At the request of partners and clients, ListHub has disclosed a detailed summary of the terms offered to Zillow.
In a letter sent out today, ListHub says, “After our current agreement expires on April 7, Zillow will no longer have a contract to receive listings from ListHub. Those brokers who independently determine it is in their best interests to continue providing their content to Zillow must establish their own agreements and technology solutions to support their future relationship with Zillow.”
ListHub will still deliver listing distribution to other websites that are currently supported, and will continue to provide services to more than 150 publishers who follow listing display guidelines that supply acceptable broker and agent attribution and protect realtors against issues arising from inaccurate property information.
There will be continued support for brokers and agents using ListHub’s aggregation and distribution platform and analytics tools. The reporting platform will also accept Zillow metrics to give brokers and agents a complete picture of their online marketing efforts.