US Real Estate

Real Estate Management: The Ultimate Safety Checklist for all Property Managers

By Mike Wheatley | November 26, 2015
Being a property manager requires a good deal of responsibility. Not only do you have to manage tenants, you also need to make sure they are safe while using your property.
Featured News, Real Estate Technology, US Real Estate

The Property app for landlords lets you manage properties on the go

By Mike Wheatley | September 29, 2015
Enter The Property, a new iPhone and iPad application for managing rental business financials on the go.
Investing, Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

Property Owners and Investors: 3 Ways to Plan for the Unexpected

By Guest Author | August 19, 2015
The management of real estate is a gratifying and challenging venture. For renters not accountable for major repairs, this responsibility lies solely on the investor.
Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Top Five Ways to Maximize Your Vacation Rental Property

By Guest Author | July 17, 2015
How can you get the biggest bang for your buck this season? Here are our top five ways to maximize your vacation rental property.
Real Estate, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Unexpected Costs You'll Come by When You're a Property Manager

By Guest Author | June 4, 2015
Becoming a landlord or property manager is a great way to supplement your income or even be your own boss, but this particular line of work does not come without risk.
Real Estate, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Home Insurance and Home Warranties Protect Your Home in Different Ways

By Guest Author | April 7, 2015
Home insurance and a home warranty both protect your home, but they do so in very different ways. It's important to know how each works and what they cover.
Real Estate, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

4 Things Property Owners Must Know Before Buying Insurance

By Guest Author | March 17, 2015
Property owners who seek to earn rental income from their homes and commercial buildings need protection against financial losses resulting from unexpected events.
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