
16 Essential Tips Before Signing a Listing Agreement: Expert Advice for Home Sellers in the US

By Kevin Vitali | August 15, 2023
Before signing a listing agreement, it's crucial to understand its terms and conditions. The listing agreement outlines the duration, commission, and additional home selling fees.  Discussing the listing price and marketing plan with your agent beforehand is essential. The agreement also addresses responsibilities, inclusions/exclusions, dispute resolution options, and cancellation circumstances. Remember, the listing agreement is […]

Understanding Mortgage Terms for Home Buyers

By RealtyBiz News | August 13, 2023
Buying a home is a significant decision, and understanding mortgage terms can make the process smoother. Here are some key terms and their definitions: Remember, this is a basic overview of mortgage terms. The home-buying process may introduce you to additional terms and concepts. Always ask questions and do thorough research to ensure you fully […]
How Often to Pump Septic System
US Real Estate

When Should You Pump Your Septic Tank?

By Bill Gassett | August 11, 2023
Understanding how often to pump your septic tank is crucial for maintaining a healthy and efficient system. Household size, wastewater generation, and tank capacity influence pumping frequency. Regular inspections by professionals are essential, and implementing water-saving practices and proper waste disposal techniques can help prolong the time between pumping. Hiring reputable septic tank services and […]
Home Buying

Should I hire a real estate attorney to understand more about mortgage terms?

By RealtyBiz News | August 10, 2023
Hiring a real estate attorney can be beneficial in many scenarios, but whether or not you should hire one largely depends on your specific situation and the complexities involved. Here's a breakdown to help you decide: Benefits of Hiring a Real Estate Attorney: When It Might Not Be Necessary: Considerations: In conclusion, while a real […]
Pros and Cons of Buying vs Leasing Solar Panels
US Real Estate

Should I Buy or Lease Solar Panels For My House?

By Bill Gassett | August 8, 2023
When considering solar panels for your home, weighing the pros and cons of buying versus leasing is essential. Whether upfront or through financing, purchasing solar panels gives you full ownership and access to financial incentives, increased property value, and long-term energy savings. On the other hand, leasing offers lower upfront costs but limited financial benefits, […]
buying a home after starting a business
Home Buying

Buying a Home After Starting a Business

By Eric Jeanette | August 8, 2023
Buying a Home After Starting a Business Buying a home after starting a business can pose unique challenges for self-employed individuals. We will discuss strategies and tips to increase your chances of a mortgage approval while self employed. From providing accurate financial documentation to managing personal and business finances separately, building a strong credit history, […]
Question to ask before buying a condo
Home Buying, US Real Estate

What to Ask When Buying a Condominium

By Bill Gassett | August 7, 2023
Before buying a condo, it's crucial to ask the right questions. Understand your ownership rights and the reserve fund's financial status. Familiarize yourself with the condo's rules and potential pet restrictions. Look into the association's management and HOA fees, and inquire about any pending litigation. Upcoming HOA special assessments and resale potential should also be […]
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