Real Estate Investing, Real Estate Technology, US Real Estate

Investors hire Uber & Lyft drivers to spot potential home flips

By Mike Wheatley | June 3, 2019
Real estate companies and investors have hit on the idea of hiring drivers from Uber and other ride-sharing firms to help them search for new properties to flip. The theory is that the drivers can serve as an extra pair of eyes for such companies, helping to spot rough diamonds on their routes that could […]
Featured News, Real Estate Technology

Anyplace Snags $2.5 Million Seed Round - Somehow

By Phil Butler | May 11, 2019
Anyplace, a marketplace startup that offers people find flexible-term furnished housing, recently closed a $2.5 million dollar funding round.
Featured News, Real Estate Software Apps, Real Estate Technology, US Real Estate

Haus: Will it be the "Uber" of real estate?

By Mike Wheatley | August 2, 2016
One of the minds that brought us Uber is trying to change the face of real estate through a mobile app. The app, called Haus, is for buyers, sellers, and agents, and focuses on the offer process rather than home search.
Featured News, Real Estate Technology

Uber in Partnership with Real Estate Developer

By Allison Halliday | May 24, 2016
According to an article in Forbes, approximately 90% of American households have a car but a new partnership between a real estate development in San Francisco and Uber could change things in the future. Uber recently announced its first partnership with a real estate development in San Francisco that has more than 3,000 rental apartments. […]
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