
Mortgage Crisis: When "Next Time" Arrives

By Khary Reynolds | January 5, 2011
The economic crisis has been blamed on everything from Wall Street conniving to sun spots, but in truth the biggest part of the recession is due to overinflated credit expectations. Loan approvals which never should have been given the stamp of approval caused borrowers and banks to fall into a deep crevasse of debt. The solution for budding homeowners is simple, ensure your ability to buy and maintain your home.
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How Interest Rates are Determined for Mortgage Loans

By Khary Reynolds | January 4, 2011
Understanding interest rates, loan types, and the housing market in general can be a bit too much for the average person. Most people just want the American Dream and to know how much and when to pay. But this is one reason the country is in such a pickle where housing is concerned. RealtyBizNews presents another brief tutorial about the different types of loans, and who actually owns the paper on your house. Learn a bit more about who Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are, for your own good.

NYC's Real Estate - No Sign of Recession

By Al Twitty | December 29, 2010
With all the bad real estate news afoot these last couple of years, it's about time for record price news isn't it? Well a few New York City real estate deals signal good times for some at least. Curbed just released its 20 most expensive list and it does indeed look as if things around Central Park are looking up. 20 Homes at over $20 million, that's not bad broker pickings.
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