Link Building: It’s the highly potent SEO juice that has content marketers clamoring to get a taste. In essence, link building is getting high-authority sites linking to your content within their own content. As a result, search engines take notice of who these high rollers are paying attention to. If you’re one of them, you get a much-appreciated thumbs up in the form of a boosted search ranking. Repeat process for best results.
It’s simple enough to understand, but link building is not so easy to obtain.
SEO experts have long admitted that link building can be the most difficult part of their strategy. It isn’t easy to earn the attention of higher authority sites who are only interested in linking to other high authority sites.
Don’t despair just yet, though. These four truths about link building can be used to boost your site’s reputation:
One of the greatest opportunities for link building (and often one of the most overlooked) is the ability to link your content to other content on your website. You have complete control over what you link to in your own blog posts, and by all means, you should take advantage of it. Make it a habit to include at least one or two internal links in every blog post. At the very least it will keep readers on your site and give you extra time to show your worth.
It’s true that guest blogging can help you gain exposure, especially when you’re allowed to link to your site in your bio section. However, links in these circumstances are often “no follow,” which means anything you link to will not be picked up by search engines.
But don’t let this discourage you. While the links in your guest blog posts may not affect your rankings, the other myriad of benefits can give your reputation a boost. Your guest blog post may be the first time someone discovers you and your business, which could lead them to seek more content from you. The more you put your name out there, the better chance you stand of attracting others who want to link to your content.
Given the high stakes that link building offers, it’s easy to get carried away with quantity over quality. However, keep in mind that a single link from a highly reputable news website will count more than ten links from someone’s personal blog on fidget spinners. When in doubt, you can use a PageRanker tool to check a site’s authority and see if the ROI is worth the effort.
Link building isn’t always organic, especially when you’re starting your strategy. There will be times when you can arrange a link to your website, such as a local news website publishing a story about your business. In these cases, you can - and should - specify the anchor text for the link.
Chances are, Google already knows your business name, so try linking to text that details what your business does. This will allow search engines to put your company into context while giving you a bump for those keywords.
It’s essential you don’t quit your efforts too early. Link building results don’t happen overnight, and it could take awhile before others catch on. However, the potential benefits are far too great to ignore, and once you start noticing the payouts you may wish you’d started sooner.
I think link building is a major key factor in marketing your brand. How are potential clients suppose to find you? Keep link building and good luck with yalls business!