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Thinking of Clearing Up Your Junk Before Selling Your Home? Consider This

By Allison Halliday | December 14, 2018

Lots of people hold onto far too much junk these days than they should and they're making a big mistake. Not only do you probably not need all that old electronic equipment anymore, it could be worth money to you. And clearing it could save you space for something better. If you're considering clearing your junk soon, keep reading. This article could be enough to convince you it's a great idea. Clearing junk isn’t just good for making your home more livable, it’s also important before you try and sell it. A home that’s a mess won’t wow potential buyers and could put many of them off.

Vintage rummage junk pile storage area mess.

You can make money from your old junk
First and foremost, not only is your old junk taking up space, it's also wasting your money. That's because a lot of what you don't even need might actually be worth something to someone else. If you don't need it yourself, then why not try selling it?

Have a yard sale
One simple and fun way to clear all the old stuff that you don't want to use anymore is to have a yard sale. You can make it fun, advertise in your local area, and provide refreshments. Be ready to bargain with people and accept a low offer - but that's fine if it's for something you no longer need. Don't be too protective over old items that don't mean anything to you. Count the cash instead.

Sell stuff on eBay
For certain items, eBay works better. There's a demand for almost anything these days, and you might find your old stereo is worth a lot more than you might think. The good thing about eBay is that you aren't just relying on people in your local area - you're opening it up to the whole country. That means something should find it's true price if a few people are willing to big on it, and you might get more than you think for some items.

Some stuff will need dumping
Not everything can be sold, so you might have to consider a visit to the refuse center for some items. Even better, you can donate things that still have a use but failed to sell to charity shops, they're always on the lookout for donations. Give something back to society by helping them out.

Consider storage for some items
If you've got some things that you don't want to get rid of but you'd still like to sell, storage options have increased dramatically in the last few years. Try them out, it might be cheaper than you think.

You can free up space for something new
Ever fancied a grand piano? Maybe you can fit one now by clearing your old junk.

Get a quality junk removal firm
A good junk removal firm makes a big difference when clearing your junk. They'll be able to get rid of it quickly and affordably so you can spend your time on something more important to you. Junk removal and clean up is a service many quality providers can do an excellent job on.

You could add value to the property of your home
A home with lots of junk won't sell well to potential buyers, so it'll demand a lower price. That should be as good a reason as any to clear up

Allison Halliday is a Realty Biz News contributing writer. She handles International Real Estate and is a seasoned blogger.
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