“Unskippable,” a new video marketing series created by Twitter, has been making serious waves since its release. The eight-part series offers a plethora of information on how to market as effectively as possible on the social media platform and is part of Twitter’s new “Flight School” educational platform that seeks to offer insight for marketers looking to learn and leverage best advertising practices. So what, exactly, is Unskippable offering marketers?
Short, Sweet, and To the Point
Like the platform’s famously short posts and messages, Twitter’s Unskippable is composed of eight short videos, each of which is only around two minutes long. The overall goal is to not just provide information on best practices for creating effective video marketing for Twitter but also how to implement these best practices in a creative way. The eight different lessons in Unskippable are the following:
- Creating Attention: This inaugural video focuses on how creators and advertisers can drive attention through video content. The results of doing this boost view times, increase engagement and provides support for marketing KPIs.
- The Right Video Size: The sizing and aspect ratio of your Twitter videos isn’t something that is necessarily as important as you might think. This video stresses that an aspect ratio of 16:9 is functionally equivalent to a 1:1 ratio. Instead, marketers are told to use the space as efficiently as possible, avoiding content that’s letterboxed or has black bars.
- The Right Video Length: You’re asking your audience for precious moments of their day on your video content. This means you need to ensure you spend your time well by creating worthwhile content that gets the key message of your brand across quickly and with impact.
- The Right Video Layout: Placing the elements of your video in locations such as the top left, the top right, and the bottom center are all important things to consider when relaying information to your viewer. Focusing on these locations will have the best impact.
- Creating Engagement: Engaging with your audience requires creating content with sufficient depth to it. This component is critical, as the better depth you offer in your content, the higher the chances that viewers will want to engage with that content.
- Providing Utility and Clarity: Clear and simple messaging is the most effective, so be sure to simplify your value proposition so that viewers walk away with a clear idea in their mind as to what you’re offering them. Meanwhile, providing utility gives your audience a reason to interact with you in the first place.
- Pairing Copy & Captions: Captions are incredibly helpful in increasing view rates, so add them whenever it’s possible. At the same time, keep your copy brief, limit yourself to just one hashtag, and make your copy additive instead of redundant or unrelated to the video.
- Breaking the 4th Wall: Don’t be afraid to speak to your audience directly. Doing so can help you increase watch time, brand awareness, and message association in ways that you might not be able to otherwise.
The Last Word on the Unskippable Marketing Video Series
Twitter remains a popular social media platform for marketing your real estate services, and utilizing the guidance the platform provides for best advertising practices is an excellent way to maximize your efforts while using video content on Twitter to advertise those services. Diving deeper into the Unskippable video series can help you uncover key strategies for Twitter video marketing.
Ben Shepardson is a Realty Biz News Contributing Writer and has a long track record of success in online marketing and web development. While pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems, he worked doing enterprise-level SEO and started an online business offering web development services to small business customers.
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