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Which house plants can improve air quality?

By Mike Wheatley | November 29, 2016

Once upon a time, NASA carried out a study which revealed that certain kinds of house plants can actually help to clean the air inside an enclosed environment. More recent studies have confirmed that the same house plants have the same effect inside the home or office too.

NASA originally carried out its studies with space stations in mind. The idea being that they might be able to help recycle and regulate air quality inside space ships and orbiting space stations. Those studies found further benefits of keeping house plants too, such as increasing productivity, calmness and creativity, and even helping you to get a better night’s sleep.

As a result of its studies, NASA recommends having at least 18 plants in a 1,800 square foot home to help purify the air inside it.

The following infographic produced by Chadwicks lists a variety of the healthiest house plants and the benefits they can bring to you:


Mike Wheatley is the senior editor at Realty Biz News. Got a real estate related news article you wish to share, contact Mike at [email protected].
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