In celebration of World Environment Day last month, the EuroOffice blog put together an interesting infographic detailing some of the most innovative eco-friendly buildings in the world today. Each building sports a very unique and stunning design, and each one has used unusual methods to reduce its carbon footprint in dramatic fashion.
For example, “The Edge” building in Amsterdam, which is currently occupied by Deloitte, claims to be the most sustainable building in the world. It’s also said to be the smartest building in the world too, for it’s able to manage desk allocation for employees on a day to day basis, as well as the office environment itself.
Other buildings featured in the infographic contain great innovations such as self-sufficient water systems, internal power plants build with the help of power plant construction contractors, rainwater harvesting and numerous other eco-friendly features. Not only that, but each building on the list is striking for its futuristic aesthetics, proving that architectural beauty doesn’t have to come at a cost for the environment.
Green Office Buildings – That are Saving the Planet by Euroffice.