Real Estate, Real Estate Technology, Realtors, SEO

Real Estate Blogging to Boost S.E.O.

By Joe Heath | March 8, 2012
Nearly 90% of real estate transactions start with homebuyers searching property over the internet. So naturally, owning a high-ranking website should always be a top-priority for real estate agents looking to maximize their revenue potential. But getting your website to rank is often a time-consuming and challenging process
Real Estate Technology, SEO, US Real Estate

Starting a Real Estate Website? Here's a Tip...

By Joe Heath | February 27, 2012
As an agent looking to attract new business, posting plenty of useful property information such as the square footage, school districts, association fees, the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and of course the pricing statistics certainly satisfies the basic needs of a real estate page, but does it accomplish its main purpose of reeling in new clients?
SEO, US Real Estate

How To Use SEO To Get Your Home Sold

By Guest Author | January 27, 2012
As you probably well know by now, the real estate market has been slow in the past few years. That's not to say that there aren't people out there still doing very well, but the fact of the matter is that properties are not selling as easily or as quickly as they used to.
Featured News, Real Estate Resource, Real Estate Technology, SEO, US Real Estate

Creating a Strong Online Reputation

By Kristi Hines | November 7, 2011
Before you start reading this article, I want you to go to Google, type in your name, and hit Search. Take a look at the first page of results, and the following: Is each listing in the first ten results about you? Do the listings about you have any negative information such as bad ratings […]
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