DIY-Home Improvement, US Real Estate

Three Reasons Why Everyone Loves a "Green" Upgrade

By Guest Author | June 19, 2013
Whether it’s installing Energy Star appliances or low-flow toilets, the possibilities for greener living are becoming increasingly limitless. So long as the trend continues, technology will continue developing, thus lending to the reduction of emissions and pollution on the planet – but why do you care?
DIY-Home Improvement, US Real Estate

Spring Eco-Upgrades For Your Home

By Guest Author | May 16, 2013
Making your home more eco-friendly can be a costly business if you’re committed to energy independence and sustainability, and if you can’t afford to install solar panels or low-energy appliances you might be at a loss as to how to get started. Luckily there are a lot of ways you can reduce your energy costs and reduce your impact on the environment.
DIY-Home Improvement, US Real Estate

Outdoor Home Features Set to Increase in Popularity

By Allison Halliday | May 15, 2013
Outdoor home features are projected to increase in popularity this year and hot trends include outdoor kitchens, fire pits, entertainment spaces, pools and dining areas. Direct From the Designers offers consumers and builders innovative and best-selling house plans direct from the designers themselves.
DIY-Home Improvement, US Real Estate

How To Organise Your Garage for Maximum Space

By Guest Author | April 18, 2013
We are already a quarter of the way through the year and I bet there are many of you who are yet to sort the garage out. With spring almost here, there is no time like the present to make more of the space within your home and what better place to start than with the garage. Whether you have big plans to turn your garage into something useful, or are rapidly running out of storage space, organising your garage doesn’t have to be a daunting task
DIY-Home Improvement, US Real Estate

Improvements that Raise the Value of a Rental

By Guest Author | April 16, 2013
Investing in a rental property can be an excellent source of long-term income, but getting the most out of that investment will require a certain amount of labor and expense. You may feel that it is perfect as it is, or you might decide that there is an endless list of improvements that need to be made before you’ll get the best possible value out of your property.
DIY-Home Improvement, US Real Estate

7 Ideas To Add More Value To Your Home

By Guest Author | March 27, 2013
Your home is one of the most important investments of your life. But no matter if you intend to stay there forever or you plan to make a move sometime, it’s critical that that you do whatever it takes to increase the value of your property. Face facts, even if you don't plan on moving right now, it's impossible to know what the future will hold.
DIY-Home Improvement

What’s That Smell? Is That A Mold Stain?

By RealtyBiz News | March 14, 2013
There are many words you could use to describe mold. How about sneaky, opportunistic, hazardous, persistent, smelly and scary, just for starters? Among the general population, you’ll encounter a variety of reactions to the "M" word. But among real estate agents, the mere mention of mold can easily trigger anxiety attacks, not to mention a string of other 4-letter words not suitable for publication.
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