Industry Technology, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

And The Survey Says...No Sale!

By Anita Cooper | May 14, 2012
So, have we been sold a line of cow excrement? There are millions (perhaps billions, I haven’t checked) of page results that show up when searching ways that businesses can drive sales. I would venture to say that a vast majority of the ways being touted as great for sales are computer driven - i.e. email, social media, etc.
Coaching, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Three Insider Strategies for Short Sale Approvals

By Ken Speegle | May 12, 2012
If short sales are on your shortlist of ways to make money in 2012’s real estate market, it’s crucial that you be able to get your offers approved in the shortest possible period of time. Bob Hertzog, owner of Summit Home Consultants in Phoenix, AZ, closes about 90% of his short sale offers, and he offers some great advice for experienced real estate agents.
Featured News, Industry Technology, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Teenagers Aren’t The Only Ones Who Can “Hang Out”!

By Anita Cooper | May 9, 2012
Are you using Google+ hangouts for your business? Seriously, when I first heard about this new tool I thought to myself, yeah, just what we need, another social media option. From Vimeo, to Hulu to YouTube, to Facebook and a whole host of other options, did we really need another way to share content with our followers?
Real Estate, Real Estate Resource, Residential, US Real Estate

What Buyers Should (But Don’t) Look for in a Home

By Mike Wheatley | May 8, 2012
Home buyers are often a pretty predictable bunch really. Nine times out of ten, buyers are concerned with the home’s location, its appearance, and cost, in no particular order. But there are many factors that need considering other than these three – especially if the buyer intends to remain happy in their new home for years to come.
Real Estate, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Why Relocate to San Antonio?

By Nicole Martinez | May 7, 2012
With its buoyant economy, endless entertainment options and rich culture, it’s no wonder why 26 million people visit San Antonio each year. Whether they are visiting for a business trip or family vacation, many find themselves falling in love with the city and consider making it their next home.
Featured News, Real Estate Resource, Realtors, US Real Estate

Matchmaker Brings Quality Realtors To Your Virtual Doorstep

By Anita Cooper | April 30, 2012
Finding a good realtor, one that you can really “click” with, is a bit like finding the right person to marry - takes a bit of searching, perhaps you kiss a few toads, but one day, you meet the right one, and “bam”, it’s simpatico!
Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Tips For Selling A Home Faster, For More Money

By Mike Wheatley | April 27, 2012
For home sellers, there is no time quite like the present. The majority of sellers are looking to find a buyer as fast as they possibly can, getting the best possible price in the shortest time frame they can. That’s easier said than done in today’s bloated, foreclosure-hit markets of course, but by paying heed to the following advice, sellers might just be able to cash in sooner than they think.
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