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IntelliBiz Offers Demo of Real Estate Contract Software for Investors and Realtors

By Allison Halliday | July 10, 2013

IntelliBiz is offering new software that allows real estate investors, realtors and other real estate professionals to create perfect contracts every time. Bill Vaughn, a veteran investor is giving away full function demo versions at no cost and with no strings attached through his company IntelliBiz.


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Vaughn said,” Even after 44 years in this business the, I still find it both intimidating and frustrating to quickly produce custom contracts that were oriented to real estate investing. That is when I decided someone needed to create the software, and I could not afford to wait for someone else to step up to the plate-at my age, waiting can be fatal."

Bill spent months designing the contracts to give maximum flexibility. They are legal in every state and are straightforward enough for anyone in need of real estate 101. It was turned into a computer application using the help of programming wizard David Perry. The versatile real estate contract software has been dubbed the "Fool Proof Agreement Maker" and will work with any Windows-based PC while an Apple version is in the works.

The software is designed to produce a Standard Purchase & Sale (for selling), a Custom Purchase & Sale (for buying), a Contract for Deed, a Lease Option and Option contract, complete with an Addenda for each, as required. The contracts are fully editable for flexibility, as all that needs to be done is to answer a few simple queries such as typing in the names of the buyer and seller and the software will do the rest. It's possible to print out a perfect, complete contract in just a few minutes. This software will be useful for realtors and investors or even for homebuyers.

The agreements and contracts are designed to meet the specific needs of real estate investors as in comparison Standard Realtor agreements have little flexibility and are generally aimed towards meeting the needs of the seller.   Real estate investors tend to be both buyers and sellers, and the software can create both types of contracts with one being buyer oriented while the other is seller oriented. The investor gets preference on both ends of the transaction, increasing profitability.

Bill has been a real estate investor for 44 years and originated the "reverse mortgage" in 1985, the basics of which were adopted by HUD in 1987.  IntelliBiz is offering the software to anyone in need the ability to quickly and easily create perfect real estate contracts, and they will send a full function demo copy upon request.

Allison Halliday is a Realty Biz News contributing writer. She handles International Real Estate and is a seasoned blogger.
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