Investing, Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

Protect Your Approved Mortgage Until It's Funded

By Brian Kline | January 2, 2015
You've spent hours and hours looking at potential investment houses or even for your primary residence. You've found the perfect property and had your offer accepted. Submitting the required paperwork for the mortgage seems to have included documenting when you first started putting coins in a piggy bank as a child. You've laid out over […]
US Real Estate

Real Estate Trust - Protecting Your Business

By Brian Kline | November 28, 2014
Structuring your real estate business can be done in many different ways. Like any business, it never comes completely without risk. How you title your properties can determine how much protection your business has. How much protection a real estate trust provides depends on the overall structure of your business. You should consult with a […]
US Real Estate

Real Estate Trust - Another Way to Protect Your Investments

By Brian Kline | October 29, 2014
Investing in real estate can be done in many different ways. But like any business, it doesn't come without risk. Titling investment properties in a real estate trust can provide some protection for your business when done correctly. How much protection a real estate trust offers depends on how your overall business is structured and […]
Investing, US Real Estate

How to Decide if Professional Property Management is for You

By Brian Kline | May 30, 2014
Since you are in the real estate business, I assume you have thought about hiring a professional property management company from time to time. Or maybe you're just getting into the real estate profession and trying to decide if you want to manage rental properties yourself. Today, we'll look at some of the reasons you […]
Real Estate, Residential, US Real Estate

Will New Mortgage Rules Protect Consumers

By Brian Kline | January 30, 2014
As of January 10, there are new mortgage rules being enforced by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This is a new government bureau created in 2011 as a result of the Great Recession and real estate mortgage crisis that resulted in millions of foreclosures and short sales. The jurisdiction of the bureau includes banks, […]
commercial loan application
Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

Using a Wrap Around Mortgage for Commercial Property

By Brian Kline | November 11, 2013
When you have a new business with little or no credit history, it can be nearly impossible to obtain a commercial mortgage. Especially in today's tight credit environment. Still, when you look around any main street in any town in the country, you will see many "For Sale" signs on plenty of commercial properties. It's […]
Real Estate, US Real Estate

New Study Reinforces Need to Protect Natural Habitats For Coastal Residents

By Allison Halliday | July 15, 2013
A newly released study by scientists at the Natural Capital Project says natural habitats are critical to protecting millions of US residents and their property from devastation by coastal storms. The study claims that neglecting these habitats could double the amount of people at "high hazard" risk, and this could include hundreds of thousands of the elderly and the poor.
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