Real Estate

Quick DIY Projects Before the First Freeze

By Brian Kline | October 2, 2019
Much of the southern US is still enjoying sunshine and temperatures in the 70s and 80s. But many northern areas are already seeing freezing or will soon have overnight lows below freezing. These locations are quickly running out of time to finish outdoor preparations for winter weather. Hopefully you’ve taken care of the tough chores […]
US Real Estate

Vancouver Private Mortgage Lender: Mortgage Loan Basics

By Jamie Richardson | September 20, 2019
If there is one thing that most families would actually want to have, it is their own home. People from all walks of life would want to have a permanent residence. Once you own your home, it is like a large portion of your dream life is already complete. You do not have to pay […]
US Real Estate

President Trump repeals Clean Water ruling with NAR support

By Mike Wheatley | September 18, 2019
U.S. President Donald Trump last week formally repealed a controversial “Waters of the U.S.” environmental regulation that dates back to the Obama era, after criticism that the rule imposed burdensome restrictions on housing development located near to water sources. Chief among the WOTUS law’s critics was the National Association of Realtors, which argued that it […]
US Real Estate

California realtors oppose new rent control measures

By Mike Wheatley | September 16, 2019
Californian lawmakers last Wednesday approved a bill that, if it comes into effect, would lead to rents being capped throughout the state. The move has since drawn widespread criticism from real estate industry professionals who worry it could have a negative impact on renters in the long term. The New York Times reports that many […]
US Real Estate

Important Tips to Consider Before Choose a Suitable Home Loan

By Jamie Richardson | September 6, 2019
 A natural practice for most of the population is loans. Even with relatively high salaries and a stable financial situation, residents of large and small cities acquire the bulk of things on credit.  Demand creates supply: all banks, large and small financial organizations, developers offer their own lending option on the most favorable terms. Such […]
home improvement
DIY-Home Improvement

Early and Thorough Fall DIY Home Maintenance

By Brian Kline | September 4, 2019
Fall is one of the busier seasons of the year for home maintenance. Spring should also be a busy season but if you don’t get those chores done the consequences are not having a vegetable garden and healthy lawn – not as severe of issues as neglecting fall chorus can be.  You should be planning […]
Press Release

FDIC’s New Mortgage Appraisal Rule Ignores Lessons of Great Recession

By Press Release | August 20, 2019
After a vote today by the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC) Board of Directors, banks making home mortgages will no longer need to obtain an appraisal for mortgages under $400,000. With the increased threshold approved by the FDIC today, a total of 72% of home mortgage transactions will be exempt from the Dodd-Frank Act's rules […]
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