
Singapore Authorities' Housing Market Warning May Fall on Deaf Ears

By Jamie Richardson | March 8, 2018
Singapore authorities have already warned that the housing market is not heading in the right direction. As experienced in the last four years, there are low sales of apartments, and the price
Real estate social media news
Featured News, Real Estate Technology, Rental Properties

Rhino wants to get rid of the security deposit on your next apartment

By Mike Wheatley | March 6, 2018
A startup called Rhino is hoping to do away with the need for a security deposit on rented homes, with a new technology solution it says benefits both renters and landlords.
Real Estate Software Apps, Real Estate Technology

Pillow enables short-term rentals with a focus on compliance & transparency

By Mike Wheatley | February 28, 2018
Airbnb partner Pillow is taking the original concept a little further than the industry giant by giving both tenants and property managers the chance to to benefit from short-term rentals.
DIY-Home Improvement, Real Estate Resource

Rental Upgrades to Attract and Maintain Long-term tenants

By Jamie Richardson | February 25, 2018
As a landlord, maximizing occupancy rates and rental income often means investing in periodic upgrades to your property. With the right upgrades to your property, you’re not only ensuring low turnover rates but you’ll also be able to attract quality, long-term tenants.
Rental Properties

Traits to Look for in a Potential Tenant

By Jamie Richardson | February 22, 2018
Finding a good tenant is essential, but it can also be tricky. It requires more than just putting an ad on the internet. To find a great tenant for your rental property, it pays to know what makes a good tenant.
Real Estate Resource

How does real estate investing benefit from technology

By Jamie Richardson | February 19, 2018
Buying and selling property has already become much more accessible due to technology, and this trend is only going to speed up. While historically, real estate professionals, investors, and landlords have been reluctant to pay for technology, and the data available has been spotty,
Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

How To Buy Your First Apartment Building

By Guest Author | January 31, 2018
While buying a single-family home might sound like a good idea because you don’t need too much cash for a down, it’s awfully risky. Why? Well, if and when your tenant leaves, so does your cash flow.
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