Featured News, Industry Technology, US Real Estate

Data Security for Real Estate Professionals

By Mike Wheatley | September 4, 2014
Data security and privacy protection laws vary by state, but with concerns over data breaches heating up across the country, the number of penalties like this one is likely to rise.
Real Estate, Residential, US Real Estate

Buying Homes in Good School Districts Impacts Resale Values

By Allison Halliday | August 26, 2014
An article in RisMedia points out buying a home in a good school area can provide significant advantages when it comes to reselling, helping to provide some protection against market fluctuations in price. The article examines things you should consider when purchasing a home, regardless of whether you will be using the local schools. One […]
Commercial Real Estate, Featured News, US Real Estate

Investing in Brownfield Properties

By Brian Kline | July 23, 2014
Commercial real estate investors should consider investing in brownfield properties - previously developed commercial real estate that is currently not in use or severely underused.
Realtors, US Real Estate

FAA cracks down on realtor's drone use

By Mike Wheatley | July 2, 2014
The Federal Aviation Administration has the real estate industry in its crosshairs, as the agency begins to come down on the growing popularity of unlawful drone use for taking listing photos and videos.
Real Estate, US Real Estate

What Can You Do If You Don't Have 20% Down Payment?

By Allison Halliday | July 1, 2014
What can you do if you want to buy a home but don't have the necessary 20% down payment? An article in aol.com points out there are various options available, both within the private and government sector, but most include private mortgage insurance. Private mortgage insurance or PMI is often built into the mortgage payments […]
Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

Real Estate Investing And Your Crew

By Brian Kline | June 24, 2014
Real estate investing has always been about location, location, location. That means the best investment opportunities for you might be out of state or even out of the country. Maybe you're a retired investor living in Phoenix or an active investor living in the South Pacific, either way, if you want to invest in Memphis, […]
International, Real Estate

Canadians Upbeat about Real Estate Market

By Allison Halliday | June 4, 2014
The percentage of Canadians predicting house prices will continue to rise in their neighborhoods was above 40% for the fifth week, according to a recent poll reported in the Financial Post. This shows consumer confidence is at its highest level for four years. Confidence has improved due to the real estate market accelerating during the […]
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