Featured News, US Real Estate

Senate Votes in Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act

By Mike Wheatley | March 17, 2014
The U.S. Senate voted 72-22 yesterday to approve the bipartisan Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act with amendments made by the House. The bill curtails flood insurance rate increases that property owners are facing across the country.
Mortgage, US Real Estate

Why You Should Avoid Dual Agency Deals

By Brian Kline | March 14, 2014
Certainly most real estate professionals are exactly that, professionals. Still, there are real estate arrangements that you should avoid just to prevent the temptation for professionals to manipulate the deal. The most prominent is dual agency. Dual agency is when one real estate office represents both the seller and the buyer in the same deal. […]
Real Estate, US Real Estate

Federal Housing Policy Threatening To Permanently Undermine Housing Market Stability

By Donna S. Robinson | March 3, 2014
Think the days of risky subprime loans are behind us? Now that Dodd-Frank has been implemented, a lot of the talk has been about The "Qualified Mortgage Rule". Supposedly this new rule known as "QRM" is going to protect consumers from lenders who are willing to make reckless, high cost loans to unsuspecting borrowers. Here […]
Mortgage, US Real Estate

The Rise Of The Energy-Efficient Mortgage

By Mike Wheatley | February 28, 2014
More home buyers and current home owners are weighing the merits of a "green" mortgage, according to U.S. News & World Report. Energy-efficient mortgages allow home owners to finance "green" home improvements, such as solar panels, geothermal heating, and newer, more energy-efficient heaters.
Featured News, Real Estate Investing

Court Step Sales Going to Institutional Investors

By Brian Kline | December 26, 2013
Institutional investors continue to impact small real estate investors as they move heavily into buying on courthouse steps. This is having a bigger impact on small investors than many realize. The reason is that small investors take a risk buying on courthouse steps that is rewarded with a deep discount (typically 30%) so they can […]
Real Estate, US Real Estate

Buying a Home after Foreclosure

By Allison Halliday | December 19, 2013
Since the housing crash credit conditions have tightened, and anyone who went through foreclosure might well think they have no chance of ever owning a home again. However an article in aol.com points out that this needn't be the case and there's quite a lot that can be done to help improve your homeownership prospects. […]
Investing, US Real Estate

Bad Real Estate Practices to Avoid

By Brian Kline | December 10, 2013
Both the buyer and seller face huge disadvantages when it comes to most real estate transactions. Both the seller's realtor and the buyer's realtor are professionals in the industry while the buyer and seller only get into these major transactions a few times in their entire life. There are some critical aspects of these deals […]
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