Commercial Real Estate, US Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate Investment Through Real Estate Investment Trusts

By Guest Author | October 29, 2013
Have you ever found yourself driving down the street and looking at different types of income producing properties while thinking to yourself, “I really wish I could own a piece of that shopping center, hospital, or apartment complex!”  For most potential investors who do not possess significant capital or access to a lot of cash, […]
Featured News, Investing

How Hard Money Lenders Value Real Estate

By Brian Kline | October 21, 2013
Overall, hard money lenders generally value real estate in the same ways as investors and other real estate professionals. As an investor, you should know your local market inside out. You should instinctively have a good idea of the property value after a brief inspection. What's different for hard money lenders is they typically lend […]
Commercial Real Estate, Featured News, Investing, US Real Estate

How A Title to Commercial Real Estate Should be Held

By Brian Kline | September 10, 2013
Many commercial real estate investors make a simple but potentially financially disastrous mistake when taking title to commercial properties. The mistake is placing the property title in their personal name. This leaves commercial real estate owners at great legal risk on several fronts. When commercial real estate title is held in your name, you not […]
Featured News, Residential, US Real Estate

Home Security for Peaceful Minds and Green Thumbs

By Guest Author | August 29, 2013
While home security measures are valued according to their effectiveness and affordability, many homeowners and sellers neglect to consider how energy efficient their property might be – which can be damaging to our budgets and our planet.
Real Estate, US Real Estate

New Lending Rules Could Prevent Many from Getting a Mortgage

By Allison Halliday | August 28, 2013
New lending rules have been written by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and they could mean that many people will be unable to get a mortgage. According to the article by AOL Real Estate, the new rules will limit people from taking out a new loan or from refinancing an existing one if it puts their overall household borrowing in excess of 43% of their income.
Real Estate, US Real Estate

Speciality Contractor Gives Building Restoration Tips for Summer Storms

By Allison Halliday | June 27, 2013
American Restoration is a leading specialist contractor and believes property owners should be prepared to deal with an active summer storm season that is being predicted for this year. In addition, property developers and construction companies may also hire a construction stormwater compliance contractor to ensure that there are adequate stormwater facilities in the site.  […]
Investing, US Real Estate

Best Practices For Crown Land Purchases

By Guest Author | June 11, 2013
Potential buyers interested in Crown land can no longer purchase directly from the Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources. Instead, buyers must seek out Crown land at market value through local sellers.
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