Mortgage, US Real Estate

Ideas For Financing Your Next Home Purchase Without Credit or Qualifying

By Donna S. Robinson | August 20, 2012
In part one of this multi-part series, we're discussing various ways to creatively finance your next home purchase, even if you just went through a foreclosure last month. There are literally dozens of creative ways to purchase a piece of real estate, but your local mortgage lender does not want you to know that you can do so without jumping through endless "hoops" trying to qualify for a mortgage.
Real Estate, US Real Estate

Who Can I Sue? Lawsuits Against Appraisers

By Daniel Doran | August 20, 2012
We live in one of the most litigious societies on the planet. Whenever we feel a wrong has been done to us we want to blame someone for it and make them pay. While this has caused a lot of controversy both in the media and the legal field, sometimes a topic comes along that stirs up all of our emotions...
Real Estate Resource, Residential, US Real Estate

Harnessing Storage to Help Sell Your Home

By Guest Author | August 16, 2012
Most of us have clutter in our homes - a recent Big Yellow Self Storage survey showed that over 61% of people admit to hoarding useless items around the house, with 26% of us having a whole room in our home filled with junk, and this can be a real issue when trying to sell a property.
Mortgage, US Real Estate

Why DeMarco Is Right To Deny Mortgage Write-Downs

By Donna S. Robinson | August 1, 2012
Ed DeMarco, Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency has announced that FHFA, the regulator charged with managing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, will not allow the two mortgage giants to write down the principal balance on tens of thousands of underwater mortgages that they currently hold.
Featured News, US Real Estate

Why Using Eminent Domain To "Fix" Underwater Mortgages Must Be Stopped

By Donna S. Robinson | July 11, 2012
Lately a number of local municipal governments in California have been considering a seizure of thousands of properties with underwater mortgages, by utilizing their "police power" known as "Eminent Domain". But eminent domain was never intended for this purpose.
Investing, Residential, US Real Estate

17 Tips for Crime Proofing Your Properties

By Sharon Vornholt | July 5, 2012
Vandalism and copper theft in vacant properties has become a huge problem for both residential and commercial real estate investors in recent years. But while you can’t completely stop such thieves from inflicting their misery, there are definitely some steps you can take to make them think twice
Product Reviews, Real Estate Resource, Real Estate Software Apps, US Real Estate

HomeZada - The Zen of Home Maintenance

By Anita Cooper | June 27, 2012
You know you need to do it. Maybe you've even started one, but you got sidetracked, or you spilled coffee on it and need to do it all over again...whatever your reasons for not having an inventory of your home's contents, that reason has now been eliminated. Permanently!
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