International, Real Estate, US Real Estate

FSA Rules in the UK Could Mean Misery for Mortgage Holders

By Allison Halliday | April 5, 2012
New rules proposed by the Financial Services Authority in the UK, known as the Mortgage Market Review, are likely to be enforced by next summer, and could create misery for millions of homeowners. According to the Financial Services Consumer Panel, many existing homeowners will face difficulty remortgaging when their current deal comes to an end. […]
Featured News, Mortgage, Real Estate, Residential, US Real Estate

Fannie and Freddie Mortgage Write Downs - Another Bailout For Big Banks

By Donna S. Robinson | March 26, 2012
Fannie and Freddie regulator Edward DeMarco, the acting Director of FHFA, is taking a lot of heat for his reluctance to write down first mortgages for underwater homeowners. But DeMarco is rightly pointing out that the push to write down the first mortgages is merely a form of protectionism for the four largest banks in the U.S. - JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and Bank of America.
Mortgage, US Real Estate

Considering a Loan Modification: The Legal Ramifications

By Mike Wheatley | March 24, 2012
Imagine this ! You purchased your home and have been making your payments diligently every month for the last 4 years. The real estate market value in your area has dropped and you find yourself "upside down" in your loan. (You owe the bank more than what your home is worth). So what's your next move?
International, Real Estate, US Real Estate

UK Government Considers Building More New Towns

By Allison Halliday | March 21, 2012
Apparently the UK government is thinking about building more new towns, with Prime Minister David Cameron envisaging garden cities with characterful homes and plenty of open spaces. Not surprisingly his plans have already come under fire from green campaigners and rural groups.
International, Real Estate, US Real Estate

U.K.'s Capital Set to See Price Growth of up to 3% This Year

By Allison Halliday | March 12, 2012
According to Cluttons, prices of prime London real estate properties are set to increase by up to 3% this year, but it is predicting the rest of the country could see housing price falls of around the same amount.
Real Estate, Realtors, US Real Estate

Realtor Ken Hunter attends Winter Meeting in Austin, Texas

By Allison Halliday | March 7, 2012
Ken Hunter, of Prudential Gary Greene Realtors in Houston was amongst 1,000 Texas realtors attending the Texas Association of Realtors winter meeting last month which was held at the Hyatt Regency in Austin.
Real Estate, Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

WARNING: Why Buying A Foreclosed Home Is Not A Guarantee Of Savings

By Anita Cooper | February 22, 2012
Sure it may be less expensive, but buying a foreclosed home is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for the novice home buyer. Potential problems could severely limit the cost savings you may have gained from purchasing a foreclosure rather than an existing or even a new home.
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