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UCHK Consulting Ltd Offers Overseas Australian Investors Clear Opinions

By Allison Halliday | May 28, 2013

UCHK receives hundreds of inquiries each day from property investors interested in real estate for sale in Australia, as well as the options for living in the country. Scott O. Talbot, CEO of UCHK says “There are many misguided and incorrect views regarding Australia and its immigration and visa process. Many real estate investors from Asia have been lead to believe that the only absolute way to gain a resident status is to invest $5 million. This is simply not true.”


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Other misconceptions include the need for sponsorship from a company in order to obtain full residence. Although this is definitely one option, it is only one of many visa and immigration possibilities. Hundreds of thousands of people are granted visas each year, or are gaining full residence. These individuals and families come from a range of backgrounds throughout the world, so it is pretty clear that there are numerous paths open to obtain a visa or full residence.

UCHK and their partner law firm have issued some statements to give a clearer picture to those people hoping for a life down under. Australia is a country that has been built on immigration as nearly half of the population were either born elsewhere or have a parent from overseas. This has led to the development of a rich and varied culture and lifestyle. Nationality and ethnicity are not a factor for anyone wishing to apply for a visa, and this year the Australian government announced it would allow at least 200,000 immigrants to settle in the country.

The population in the country is beginning to age, and the birth rate has fallen over the past few decades. At the same time the population numbers have increased slightly, thanks to immigration. This has renewed labor forces, strengthened demand for services, and has kept the economy competitive and prosperous.

According to Darren Marx, partner at Rigby Cooke, “The impressive thing about Australia’s migration laws is that even though they are complex, the rules are stated in law. You only need to have reliable legal advice that can review your situation, identify your potential options and provide a tailored pathway.”

There are a number of different visa options available, but knowing which one to apply for isn’t always easy. The government does offer online advice, but clients of UCHK have the benefit of a free visa and immigration consultation with a designated team of advisers. UCHK is the leading property business in Australia, and is associated with the latest and most impressive property portfolios available today. Its CEO Scott O. Talbot has been helping investors into Australia for 25 years.

Allison Halliday is a Realty Biz News contributing writer. She handles International Real Estate and is a seasoned blogger.
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