Real estate agents have to be on their toes when it comes to marketing. What worked last year or the year before might not work today, and what works today might not be effective tomorrow. That’s why we’ve rounded up some of the best real estate marketing tips for agents in 2022! Let’s get started.
If you’re not already present on social media, you’re missing the boat. Real estate agents need to stay connected with audiences, and social media is the easiest way to do so. Make sure you choose a platform that coincides with the demographic you’re looking for when it comes to prospective home buyers. Instagram, for example, is a great platform for younger generations of home buyers while Facebook is perfect for the older crowd.
House hunters in 2022 aren’t as concerned with things like fixtures and square footage as they used to be. While these are still a concern, it’s often more beneficial to focus on what a specific property offers as far as lifestyle to buyers. Using video to showcase a property and the type of lifestyle living there will offer is a great way to catch the attention of buyers, especially since social media has evolved to a place where video content is so popular. Doubling down on this is a great way to bring attention to properties!
Real estate agents know that staging empty properties for open houses is crucial for attracting house hunters, but staging takes time. Switching to a virtual staging paradigm, where digital versions of furniture are inserted into images of rooms, saves time and money. It also offers versatility, as you can stage the same room in dozens of different ways to showcase the flexibility of a certain property. It’s a great tool for sprucing up property photos on MLS listing sites!
Nothing gets your name out there like people seeing it in print. If you have a local newspaper or magazine, approach them about working on a regular real estate column. This benefits both the publisher, who is likely looking for content, and yourself, as you can showcase your expertise on not just the real estate market in general but your local community as well. It also helps extend your reach past Facebook and Instagram. Social media is great, but print is forever!
One of the most slept-on home buyer demographics happens to be families who are relocating from one state to another. Either they’re moving or they’re simply buying a second home, they represent a great opportunity. Allying with a professional colleague from out of state homeowners that are relocating can help funnel prospects towards properties you have in the area, and you can offer the same in turn to your colleague in return for families looking for homes in their neck of the woods.
These five marketing ideas for 2022 are just the tip of the iceberg for real estate agents this year. Keep your eye on the market and how it develops, and don’t be afraid to adapt your marketing methods as the landscape changes!
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