Editorial Insider

Pedram Zohrevand Shares FiveThings Commercial Agents Should Know About Soft Story Retrofit

By RealtyBiz News | December 29, 2022
Recent earthquakes in California have increased awareness about the importance of earthquake retrofitting. Many buildings are vulnerable to seismic damage throughout the state due to their soft-story construction. Because of this, Pedram Zohrevand believes all commercial agents need to be educated on soft story retrofitting.  Here's what  he suggests all commercial agents should know about […]
Reddit Online
Real Estate Marketing

How to Effectively Use Reddit to Market Your Real Estate Website

By Ben Shepardson | December 27, 2022
Every day, over 50 million users log on to Reddit to join conversations worldwide. Reddit is often considered the "epicenter" of all things viral on the internet. Tons of content that become popular on other social media platforms tend to originate from Reddit. However, marketing on Reddit is complicated. Groups on Reddit tend to have strict rules […]
Smart Home Tech

10 Pros and Cons of Investing in Smart Home Technologies

By Thomas O'Shaughnessy | December 20, 2022
Technology has changed the way we live and go about our everyday duties. And that’s particularly obvious in our homes. Over the past decade, smart home technology has become more common and can now be spotted just about anywhere. These smart home devices can be appealing and make life a little easier. But there are […]
Home Buying

11 Things to Know About Escrow When Buying a House

By Thomas O'Shaughnessy | December 15, 2022
Buying a house is a complicated process, so it’s refreshing when one simple concept covers more than one aspect of it. Escrow is just such a concept. This is the practice of enlisting a third party to hold both the deed to a property and the money used to buy it until both buyer and […]
Get a Home Loan
Home Buying, Mortgage, US Real Estate

Killer Tips For Getting A Home Mortgage

By Bill Gassett | December 12, 2022
Becoming a homeowner is the goal of many folks. Going from being a renter to a homeowner isn't always as easy as it seems. There is quite a bit to know about financing the purchase of a home. There are several things to consider when it comes to getting a mortgage. As a first-time home […]
cash buying home
Home Buying

Pros and Cons of Paying All Cash For Your Home

By Brian Kline | November 30, 2022
Certainly, not everyone can pay all cash for a home. But if you have the ability, should you? There are pros and cons to that decision that you need to apply to your specific situation. As the housing market softens, there is less need to make an all-cash offer that moves you to the front […]
Examples of Restrictive Covenants
Home Buying, US Real Estate

What Are Common Types of Restrictive Covenants?

By Bill Gassett | November 25, 2022
When you are buying a home for the first time there is a significant amount of things you probably don't know. Let's face it, buying real estate is a learning experience. One of the things you should be aware of when buying in a neighborhood or subdivision is whether or not there are house covenants […]
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