Featured News

iintoo Acquires RealtyShares - Puts $2.5 Billion Plus Under Management

By Phil Butler | May 14, 2019
Global real estate investment network iintoo has now acquired the assets of RealtyShares as part of a joint venture with RREAF Holdings, LLC.
Real Estate Resource

Estate Insurance - Make Sure You Have The Right Policy

By Jamie Richardson | May 10, 2019
Property managers and Real Estate agents need to have insurance coverage for their business, clients, tenants, and even the properties they manage. The insurance needs of various property management companies might seem similar; however, there are ways in which the needs are unique. Hence, as a real estate agent or property manager, you should have […]

Ginnie Mae warns against repeated refinancing

By Mike Wheatley | May 8, 2019
Although many lenders continue to advocate the apparent benefits of refinancing on a mortgage, Ginnie Mae has come out with advice to the contrary, suggesting that repeated refinances could actually be harmful to many borrowers and investors. Ginnie Mae, which is a government-backed entity similar to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with a focus on […]
House Flipping, Real Estate Investing

Tips on How to Flip a House for Profit in 2019

By Jamie Richardson | May 3, 2019
Thanks to popular TV shows like Master of Flip and Flip or Flop, flipping houses has become all the rage today. It’s such an interesting and easy way to make tons of money. All you have to do is buy a not-so-good-looking home, renovate it to give it a fresh new look, list it on […]
Real Estate Technology

Keeping Wildfires at Bay: How New Technology Can Help

By Ben Shepardson | May 1, 2019
In 2018, California saw some of the worst wildfires on record. Fires ravaged hundreds of homes and threatened hundreds more. A record 42 people were confirmed dead and 200 missing as 250,000 people fled their homes. That's more than just a safety risk. It has a critical impact on California's residents and real estate market. […]
Real Estate, US Real Estate

Survey reveals landlord/tenant trust issues

By Mike Wheatley | May 1, 2019
A new survey reveals that renters, unsurprisingly, don’t always admit everything to their landlords. Yet landlords themselves tend to put a lot of trust in their tenants with regard to the upkeep of their properties. The findings came from a survey of 563 renters and 532 landlords carried out by Porch.com, which offers home remodeling […]
Real Estate Resource

During Divorce: Saving Time and Money

By Jamie Richardson | April 30, 2019
The cost of your divorce can depend on a number of factors, one of which is the way you handle or act during the proceedings. If you want to save time, effort, and money, it is only important to think twice and evaluate your decisions. Do take note that emotions can sometimes take you over, […]
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