Mortgage, US Real Estate

Your Guide To Reverse Mortgage Strategies

By Brian Kline | July 14, 2015
People are literally retiring by the hundreds of thousands each year and will continue doing so for the next decade. That means these people will be looking everywhere for retirement funds. One of those places is the equity in their homes. That means reverse mortgages are going to be an attractive option for years to […]
Real Estate, US Real Estate

Reverse Mortgages Could Mean Elderly Lose Homes

By Allison Halliday | June 12, 2015
A recent government study has found adverts for reverse mortgages which largely target seniors can be misleading. Elderly people tempted by these offers could find they end up losing their home rather than gaining financial freedom. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau carried out a study showing elderly homeowners are being misled by the advertising for […]
Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

How to Make a Claim Without Losing Your Cool: Home Warranties vs. Homeowners Insurance

By Mike Wheatley | May 7, 2015
Without a clear understanding of the nature of home warranties versus homeowners insurance, any of us would be incensed at what appears to be the warranty company's duplicity.
Investing, Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

Next Real Estate Recession in the Making?

By Brian Kline | May 4, 2015
Are we at the beginning of the next real estate induced recession? Ginnie Mae thinks we possibly are. Ginnie Mae is a fully owned government corporation controlled by HUD. Ginnie Mae is currently seeking permission to increase staffing for better oversight of the burgeoning nonbank mortgage market. Bank Mortgage Volume Continues Declining What may surprise […]
Featured News, Real Estate Technology, US Real Estate

Real estate agents and tech go hand in hand

By Mike Wheatley | April 3, 2015
It is difficult to overstate how much technology has changed the business of real estate.
Featured News, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

4 Common Mistakes Every First-Time Home Buyer Makes (But You Won't!)

By Guest Author | March 20, 2015
Buying your first home can be extremely exciting and when you’re a first-time home buyer, it all seems pretty simple: find a house you love, buy it, and move in!
Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

7 Ways to Make Your Home a Burglar-Proof Fortress

By Mike Wheatley | March 6, 2015
Instead of simply relying on an outdated deadbolt to protect your valuables, there are a few other methods to enhancing the safety and protection of your home
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