Ask Brian Real Estate

Ask Brian: What Makes a Good DIY Project for Late Summer?

By Brian Kline | August 19, 2019
Ask Brian is a weekly column by Real Estate Expert Brian Kline. If you have questions on real estate investing, DIY, home buying/selling, or other housing inquiries please email your questions to [email protected]. Question from Roger in MO: Hello Brian.Thanks for your DIY forum and your insights and experience for those of us brave enough […]

Hard Money Loans Still Have Legs

By Brian Kline | August 7, 2019
There are many ways to successfully invest in real estate. Hard money lending isn’t heard about much these days but still has a valuable place in the investing world. Hard money lenders generally don't value real estate in the same ways as most investors and other real estate professionals. As an investor, you should know […]
US Real Estate

Why some homeowners are moving home, literally

By Mike Wheatley | August 2, 2019
More homeowners are choosing to take their homes with them when they decide it’s time to for a move. According to Tammie DeVooght Blaney, executive director of the International Association of Structural Movers, more than 8,000 homes are moved each year, and not only just because the homeowners fancy a change of scenery. In many […]
US Real Estate

What You Need to Know About Closing Costs

By Brian Kline | July 25, 2019
Although a few costs and fees for buying a house may be paid ahead of time, the bulk of the financial settlement occurs at the closing table. If you haven’t been paying attention and listening closely to what to expect, you could be in for a financial shock when you sit down to settle up. […]

Enjoy Your Retirement Years with a Reverse Mortgage

By Dean Signori | July 20, 2019
Is retirement is just around the corner for you and you are planning all the wonderful things you can do with your free time, vacations, grandkids, hobbies, home improvements and travel? But even though you have paid off your mortgage, cash may be a little bit tight to do many of the things you want? […]
Home Owners Insurance

The Skinny on Choosing Homeowners Insurance Plans

By Jamie Richardson | July 17, 2019
As a new homeowner, it's important to protect the integrity of your property. Home insurance is the most effective way to do that. For most people, a new home is their most valuable asset, and their biggest investment. It makes sense to safeguard this asset with the best home insurance policy you can get your […]
Home Buying, US Real Estate

Benefits Of Becoming A Homeowner

By Geoff Southworth | July 15, 2019
You've likely arrived on this page because you are wondering about the benefits of becoming a homeowner. Maybe you are renting a home and don’t know if it’s better for you to buy or rent your home. Or perhaps you’re still living at home, want to get a place of your own, and are trying […]
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