Commercial Real Estate

Is Your Image Well Represented? 3 Tips To Keep Your Office Space Rented

By Kara Masterson | December 17, 2018
Becoming a commercial landlord can be a great experience as well as a very lucrative opportunity. However, your success and income will largely depend on whether you are able to attract and retain renters. The following are some tips to follow that can help you always present your best image to tenants.   Keep Up Appearances […]
Real Estate Resource

Thinking of Clearing Up Your Junk Before Selling Your Home? Consider This

By Allison Halliday | December 14, 2018
Lots of people hold onto far too much junk these days than they should and they're making a big mistake. Not only do you probably not need all that old electronic equipment anymore, it could be worth money to you. And clearing it could save you space for something better. If you're considering clearing your […]
Real Estate Resource

The Best Tips For Renovating Your Garage

By Jamie Richardson | December 3, 2018
A garage is just as important as any other area of the house. The reason is that it provides your vehicle a nice shelter from the elements. Aside from that, it’s also a part of the house that can be converted to just about anything. Want more space for playing beer pong with your friends? […]
good times for Real estate investors
Home Buying

The Top 8 Advantages Of Paying Cash For A New Home Purchase

By Jamie Richardson | November 9, 2018
The chance to buy a new home with cash is something that many homeowners would consider a dream come true. Such an opportunity can arise from a large sum of money acquired through prize winnings or inheritance, or it may be money you managed to save up over the years with the intent of purchasing […]
US Real Estate

More Perspective on the Housing Market Shift

By Brian Kline | November 8, 2018
I’ve been writing about changes evolving in the housing market for several months. Recently, Morningstar Credit Ratings’ take away from the SFIG Residential Mortgage Finance Symposium was a very similar perspective of where the market is currently at and most likely headed. There are a lot of moving parts to take into consideration including midterm […]
Home Design

Boost Your Homes Beauty and Value with Stamped Concrete

By Guest Author | November 7, 2018
Are you familiar with concrete stamping kitchener? It’s definitely not your same-old, boring, grey slab. Instead, it gives you one of many different amazing looks to brighten up your home or place of business. It’s also far more reasonably priced than many alternatives. With stamped concrete, you can have a great-looking and functional surface that […]
Home inspectors are not qualified to check every potential danger in a home
US Real Estate

What To Expect From Your Building Inspector

By Jamie Richardson | October 31, 2018
Why do you think buyers are willing to spend money hiring a professional building inspector on top of the millions they will soon be shelling out to purchase a property? It’s because a building inspector is able to provide them with pieces of important information that could save them from making a very expensive mistake. […]
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