Residential, US Real Estate

10% Of All Renters Want To Buy, But Can They?

By Mike Wheatley | March 17, 2014
Ten percent of U.S. renters say they want to buy a home in the next year, according to a new survey of renters in the 20 largest housing markets by Zillow. That means if all the renters buy a home in the next year that would amount to about 4.2 million first-time home buyer sales
US Real Estate

Millions of Renters Would Love to Buy a Home This Year

By Allison Halliday | March 14, 2014
According to a brand-new survey by Zillow, millions of people who are currently renting would love to buy a home this year. This suggests there will be considerable demand from first-time buyers, providing the market conditions are favorable. Even though millions may aspire to becoming homeowners this year, not everyone will be able to achieve […]
Investing, US Real Estate

Happy Tenants Mean More Money

By Brian Kline | January 16, 2014
If you want to make the most money for the least hassle, keep your tenants happy. That means putting a lot of work in when tenants first move in. That might sound like an oxymoron but it's not. If you're depending on rental properties to provide you with a retirement income, your tenants are some […]
Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

Top 10 Places to Invest in Real Estate

By Brian Kline | December 30, 2013
Location, location, location. As you look for investment opportunities in 2014, take a moment to look beyond your local market. By doing so, you have the opportunity to make double digit returns on your investments. For instance, take a look at Wichita Falls, Texas. It's an oil town with money. But more than that, nearby […]
Featured News

7 Reasons Why Renters Need to Buy a Home Soon

By Brian Kline | December 4, 2013
If you haven't given serious thought to buying a home in the near future, you should. There are many more reasons to buy than there are to rent. Here are the serious reasons you want to be looking at in today's market. 1. It's cheaper buying than it is renting. A Trulia Trends study of […]
Residential, US Real Estate

Top 5 Rules For Success In Real Estate Buying

By Guest Author | September 22, 2013
Whether you’re purchasing your first home or looking to invest in real estate, buying property is no small task. And when the market is struggling to recover, the task is all the more difficult. Fortunately, there are easy ways to come out on top in the real estate market, but there are at least five […]
Featured News, US Real Estate

90% of Renters Want to Buy Homes, But Fear Tight Lending Standards

By Mike Wheatley | June 10, 2013
The great American Dream of home ownership is far from dead, but a majority of those who want to become first-time buyers are concerned that they won't be able to see their dreams become a reality. The reason? Because most renters believe they'll never be able to qualify for a mortgage given today's strict underwriting standards, according to a recent Fannie Mae survey.
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