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US Real Estate

Targeting Urban Millennials When Redeveloping

By Brian Kline | November 8, 2016
Move over Baby Boomers. The Millennials are now the dominate force in the U.S. housing market. The core group of Millennials is now reaching the 18 to 34 year age range
International, US Real Estate

How Will China's Latest Economic Stimulus Drive US Home Sales?

By Guest Author | July 20, 2012
As China again cuts its lending rates, how will this have a knock on effect on U.S. home sales? The economic stimulus of 2008/2009 led to an upturn in domestic purchases and in turn, prices. With the Government's new restrictions on property purchases, will these force buyers to look further afield?
Mortgage, Real Estate, Residential, US Real Estate

Half of US Homes are Underwater on Mortgages

By Allison Halliday | June 28, 2012
A new study has revealed that an incredible 50% of all homes in the US are now officially "underwater", which means that more is owed on the properties than what they're actually worth.
Real Estate, Residential, US Real Estate

Rural US States Staging a Recovery

By Allison Halliday | June 30, 2011
Although the national housing market is still treading water, rural states appear to be faring a little better, according to economic forecasters.   Certain states such as Alaska, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota have economies which are dependent on sectors which are performing more strongly, such as energy, agriculture or industry. Although house prices […]
Real Estate, US Real Estate

US New Home Sales Struggling to Gain Momentum

By Allison Halliday | June 24, 2011
Figures just released from the Commerce Department show the housing market is still struggling, as purchases of new homes fell in May by 2.1%, for the first time in three months to 319,000 a year. Builders are facing the problem of nearly 2,000,000 distressed properties, which it is estimated could take three years to sell […]
Real Estate, Real Estate Investing

Full Recovery a Long Way Off Say Most Americans

By Mike Wheatley | May 19, 2011
A full recovery in the US housing market won’t happen for at least another three years, or maybe even longer, say 54% of Americans surveyed by Trulia and Realty Trac last year.   The survey, which was designed to evaluate American’s attitudes to real estate, home ownership and the foreclosure crisis, was a great deal […]
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