Facebook, Press Release

The Real Estate Agent Directory™ on Facebook Surpasses Half-a-Million Members

By Press Release | June 14, 2017
If there was ever any question about how essential Facebook has become for real estate agents seeking to leverage its 1.86 billion users to garner leads, referrals and brand exposure, look no further than the Real Estate Agent Director
Facebook, Real Estate Marketing

Use the Camera to Make Your Real Estate Business Stand Out on Facebook

By Lili Steffens | June 9, 2017
With more than 1.8 billion users, Facebook is the social network that promises to deliver the most to businesses savvy enough to target the right audiences.
Advertising, Facebook, Featured News, Real Estate Software Apps, Real Estate Technology

What Facebook's support for 360° video means for real estate

By Mike Wheatley | May 22, 2017
Virtual reality and augmented reality are often touted as the technology of tomorrow, but the 'real' reality is it's already here.
facebook art
Facebook, Real Estate Marketing

Facebook Marketing: 3 Strategies to Get More Leads

By Lili Steffens | May 17, 2017
Facebook marketing can be a challenge even for experienced professionals because it demands creativity and intuition.
Facebook, Real Estate Marketing

5 Facebook Live Videos That Will Increase Real Estate Sales

By Ben Shepardson | April 18, 2017
Whatever it is, live video is sizzling, and the live video platform that reaches the most people is Facebook.
Facebook, Real Estate Marketing

3 Ways to Use Facebook Groups for Real Estate Marketing

By Ben Shepardson | February 28, 2017
Facebook started as a college networking site over a decade ago and has since evolved into one of the most crucial business marketing tools for the real estate professional. But one key feature harnesses a wealth
Facebook, Real Estate Marketing

What Facebook's New Video Updates Mean for Real Estate Marketing

By Ben Shepardson | February 23, 2017
Earlier this year, Facebook released a slew of improvements to the platform, many of which directly impact the video sector. With the new updates, you can expect better client targeting, clearer analytics, and more ways to share your content
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