
Property types investors are eating up in Scottsdale, Arizona

By Jamie Richardson | July 29, 2019
Arizona is one of the fastest-growing states in the US and the place where entrepreneurial minds thrive, according to the Arizona Commerce Authority. From large retailers to small real estate investors, Scottsdale is drawing millions of dollars in investments. The city is also the cradle of many forward-thinking start-ups. So, is the Valley of the […]
Featured News, Real Estate, US Real Estate

Florida city wants homeowners to raise their homes to protect against flooding

By Mike Wheatley | July 2, 2019
Government officials in flood-prone areas are trying to make it cheaper for homeowners to raise their properties in order to help protect them against the threat. Homeowners are also encouraged to take out flood insurance policies. Flooding is one of the major threats to homes in low-lying coastal areas, and the problem is being compounded […]
Home Buying, US Real Estate

Negotiate with confidence, learn about the property

By Kathleen Kuhn | July 1, 2019
Buying a house is thrilling. Every home sale could mean that new owners take over the house of their dreams, or past owners can move on to explore new opportunities. But before the sale is complete and the contract final, there’s often a crucial step for the potential new owners: a home inspection. This process […]
Real Estate Resource

9 Tips to Protect Yourself in Open House Injury Liability

By Al Twitty | June 26, 2019
There are always chances that an accident can happen when you open your house. If someone gets injured on your property, he may get angry and sue you. If you are opening your house, you may be interested in knowing how you can protect yourself in case someone sues you. Along with consulting an injury […]
Home Buying, Mortgage, Residential

Ohio Bill Would Create Credit Protection Type Laws for Land Contracts

By Elizabeth Whitman | June 10, 2019
A land contract provides a rent-to-own structure which enables someone to purchase real estate with little to no cash down payment.  Called contracts for deed or land installment contracts in some states, land contracts require the buyer to make monthly payments towards purchase of the real estate to the seller. Part of each month’s payments […]
Real Estate Resource

Top Reasons Your Rental Property Has No Tenants

By Jamie Richardson | January 28, 2019
Rental properties are only assets to landlords who are actually generating a profit. If your property is vacant for weeks or months at a time it digs a deeper hole for you financially and eventually becomes a liability. The cost of the mortgage, property taxes and maintenance essentially comes out of your pocket making it […]
US Real Estate

Lease Management Software and How to Protect Real Estate Investments

By Ben Shepardson | October 28, 2018
Lease management software is practically a requirement for any real estate investment business today. Because of the complexities of real estate law and the requirements that owners have to tenants of every stripe, it's a massive undertaking to remain in compliance without some outside help. This task gets even more complex and demanding when it […]
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