Real Estate Technology

Why Property Investors Should Invest in Real Estate Technology

By Ben Shepardson | September 8, 2022
Proptech, Realtech, Real Estate Tech. Heard any of these buzzwords lately? Simply put, they're labels placed on real estate technology. You might be an all-in, show-me-all-the-new-tech person. Or perhaps you're hesitant to invest time and money into new tech when you've found success with traditional methods. It's unrealistic to think you'll need every single gadget, […]
real estate crm
Real Estate Technology

Why Real Estate CRM is Great for Your Real Estate Business

By Ben Shepardson | September 6, 2022
No matter what type of real estate professional you may be, you need to use the right tools for the job to keep your business running smoothly. This is true for brokers, investors, and real estate agents alike – no matter how you interact with the field of real estate, time-saving, productivity-increasing tools that streamline […]
XhMT Massage Chair
Industry Technology

What to Know About Using Your X-HMT Heat and Massage Chair

By Ben Shepardson | September 5, 2022
Working as a real estate professional often means spending long hours at your desk, working hard on client problems. Sitting down for that long while working on marketing plans, making and answering client calls, and doing related work on your computer is sure to take a toll on your body. Therefore, it’s recommended to invest […]
Industry Technology

For Real Estate Agents on the Move, Try the New ASUS OLED

By Zach Parker | September 2, 2022
Mobile technology is one of the most valuable tools for getting business done while on the go. Real estate professionals know this implicitly, considering you spend massive amounts of time outside of your office. Whether it’s hosting showings or open houses, meeting with clients at closings, or anything else, you simply spend more time out […]
Industry Technology

Blockchain's Very Real Impact on Real Estate

By Al Twitty | September 1, 2022
Blockchain is a digital technology that is transforming the fabric of modern life. Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrency and has many benefits. Blockchain is affecting all industries and is becoming a crucial tool for education, business, and data security.  Real estate has traditionally been a brick-and-mortar business for people who prefer tangible assets. However, […]
smart home security
Smart Home Tech

Smart Home Security Concerns and Solutions

By Jamie Richardson | September 1, 2022
A smart home is an ecosystem of devices and smart appliances that work together to make life more convenient. Since these devices are interconnected through a network, smart homes also bring security risks. This article will explain some of those risks and provide solutions so you can safely enjoy the benefits of a smart home. […]
smart home tech
Real Estate Technology, Smart Home Tech

How Smart Homes Increase Your Home Security

By Ben Shepardson | August 15, 2022
Believe it or not, over a million home burglaries occur every year. When scoping out a house to steal from, burglars look for easy targets. They break into houses when people are at work or on vacation. But most importantly, they look for residences that don't have home security. Because the last thing a burglar wants is to […]
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